Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/127

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LOCATELLI our, 1883. Works : Mud Pies ; First Love ; Little Sinner ; One Year Old ; Red Ghost ; Bagage de Croqmitaine, E. D. Morgan sale, New York, 1885 ; Going to be Washed (1879) ; Seeing Punch and Judy, Tantaliz- ing Situation (1880); Box of Letters, Au- rora (1881) ; Warblings (1884); Variations on a well-known Theme (1885). Bellier, i. 1051 ; Montrosier, i. ; Hamerton, Painting in France, 38. LOCATELLI. See Lucatelli. LOCHNEE, ANDREAS, born at Main- burg, Bavaria, May 5, 1824, died in Munich, Feb. 13, 1855. History painter, pupil of Munich Academy while earning his liveli- hood at night as a silversmith ; soon assist- ed Professor Johaun Schraudolph, and as early as 1851 exhibited his first picture, David robbing King Saul's Goblet. Other works : Altai-pieces for St. Nicholas, Laud- shut ; Interior of a Chapel (1852) ; St. Jo- seph with the Infant Christ ; St. Weude- lin ; Madonna ; Two Scenes from Goethe's Faust (1852, 1854). Allgem. d. Biogr., xix. 64. LOCHNER, STEPHAN. See Meish-r Stephan. LOCKHART, W. E., born in Dumfries- shire, Scotland, 1846. Genre and landscape painter, pupil at the Trustees' Academy, Edinburgh, under Robert Scott Lander ; went in 1863 to Sydney, and in 1867 to Spain, which he afterwards visited re- peatedly. Elected A.R.S.A. in 1871, and R.S.A in 1878. Studio in Edinburgh. Works : Lovers' Quarrel (18G8) ; Orange Harvest (1875) ; Muleteers' Halt ; The Queen's Entry into Edinburgh in 1876 ; Scene from Legend of Moutrose ; Interior of Roslyn Chapel ; Bride of Lammermoor ; Gil Bias and the Archbishop of Granada, Sunset at St. Andrew's (1878); The Cid and the Five Moorish Kings, National Gallery, Edinburgh ; Cardinal Beaton, Alnaschar's Fortune (1883) ; Gil Bias relates his Advent- ures (1884). LOCUSTA AND NERO, Joseph Noel Sylvestre, Luxembourg Museum ; canvas, H. 9 ft. 2 in. x 12 ft. 9 in. Locusta testing on a slave, in the presence of Nero, the poi- son prepared for Britannicus. The two, seated at left, are watching the writhings of the slave, who has fallen in agony on the marble floor. Prix du Salon, 1876. L'Art (1876), iii. 263 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1876), xiii. 695, 708. LODI, CALISTO DA. See Piazza, Ca- listo. LOE WE-MARCH AND, FREDERIC, born in Paris ; contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of Pils. Medals : 3d class, 1883 ; 2d class, 1885. Works : A Brave Man (1878) ; Abdication of Mary ! Stuart (1879) ; Little Peter, Reading of | Rabelais (1880) ; Pythoness (1881) ; Lucre- | tia and Tarquin (1882) ; Belisarius (1883) ; The First Murder (1884) ; Punishment of 'Prisoner of War (1885). LOFFLER, AUGUST, born in Munich, May 5, 1822, died there, Jan. 12, 18(56. Landscape painter, pupil of Heinrich Adam and of Julius Lange, but was led by copying Rott- mann's frescos to take that painter for a model. In 1844 he visi ted Istria, then, after studying in Munich (1846) under Schorn, Trieste and Upper Italy, in 1849 the East ; executed in 1851-53 in Berlin paint- ings for the Kings of Prussia and Wiirtem- berg, and then went to Greece, whence he returned to Munich. In 1856 he visited Milan and Venice, painted in 1857 again for the King of Wiirtemberg, and in 1864 in Brussels in Baron Hirsch's palace. Works : Amphitheatre at Pola (1845) ; Je- rusalem and the Source of the Lycus, Palm Grove near Cairo (1852) ; Ruins of Jerusa- lem (1853), Stuttgart Museum ; Damascus, Bethlehem, Dead Sea, Cloister Saba, Sand Storm in Desert (1853) ; Bay of Navariuo (1856); Delphi with Parnassus, Pyramids of 91