Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/131

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LOO called to Berlin, where he executed a num- ] ber of works as court-painter to Frederick the Great. Received into Paris Academy in 1747, professor in 1770, adjunct rector in 1790. Works: Portrait of Frederick the Great, Hampton Court Gallery ; Procession of Silenus, Nancy Museum ; others in San Souci and Potsdam. Bellier, ii. ; Jal, 797; Nagler, xix. 303. LOO, CHARLES ANDRE VAN (Carle Vanloo), born at ^sa. Nice, Feb. 15, 1705, died in Paris, July 15, 17G5. French school ; history painter, son of Louis van Loo and pupil of his brother Jean Baptiste, who took him to Home and placed him un- der Benedetto Luti and the sculptor Lc Gros. After Le Gros' death (1719) he re- turned to Paris, o,ud won the first prize for drawing in 1723, and the grand prix de Rome in 1724 ; was in Rome again in 1727, became Member of Academy of St. Luke, and was knighted by the Pope in 1731. Member French Academy, 1735 ; professor, 1737 ; director of Royal School of Art, 1749; Order of St. Michael, 1751 ; rector of Academy, 1754; director of Academy and first painter to the king, 17G3. Works : .33neas carrying Auchises from Troy (1729), Marriage of the Virgin (1730), Apollo flay- ing Marsyas (1735), Repose from the Chase (1737), Portrait of Marie Lecziuska (1747), Louvre ; Jacob purifying his House (1724) ; Apotheosis of St. Isidore (1727), St. Isidore, Rome ; St. Francis, St. Martha (bought by Franciscans of Tarascon) ; Woman with Bracelet (owned in England) ; Resurrection, Cathedral of Besanyon ; Portrait of Louis XV. (1763), Grand Trianon ; do. (2), Archi- tect Soufflot, Male portrait (1759), Versailles Museum ; Bear-hunt, Ostrich-hunt, Augus- tus closing Temple of Janus, Amiens Mu- seum ; Wisdom trampling upon Vanities of the World, Man between Vice and Virtue, Cambrai Museum ; Marshal de Brancas, Rennes Museum ; Equestrian portrait, Mar- seilles Museum ; Portraits of Louis XV., Marie Lecziuska, and a Marshal of France, Orleans Museum ; Martyrdom of St. An- drew, St. Clotilda at Tomb of St. Martin, xEueas and Anchises, Ecstasy of St. Augus- tine, Angers Museum ; Theseus overcoming the Minotaur, Besanc;on Museum ; Augus- tus receiving Ambassadors of Barbarous Nations, Bordeaux Museum ; St. George, Martyrdom of St. Denis, Portrait of Louis XV., Dijon Museum ; Drunken Silenus, Portraits of Louis XV. (2), Nancy Museum ; Portraits of himself and of his mother, Nimes Museum ; Madonna, Rouen Museum ; Ma- donna, Uffizi, Florence ; Apotheosis of St. Gregory, Juno with Venus and Cupid, Per- seus and Andromeda, Portrait of himself (17(i2), Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Portrait of Luisa Isabel de Bourbon, Madrid Muse- um ; Roman Charity, Musi'c Rath, Geneva. L'Art (1875), i. 289 ; Bellier, ii. (526 ; Ch. Blanc, Kcole fran<;aise, ii. ; Houssaye, Gal. du xviii. Siecle, ii. 250 ; Jal, 797 ; Larousse, xv. 76(5 ; Michiels, x. 47 ; Revue des Deux Mondes (1842), xxi. 500; Wurzbach, Fr. Mai. des xviii. Jahrh., 29. LOO, JAKOB VAN, born at Sluys, Flan- ders, in 1614, died in Paris, Nov. 26, 1(570. Dutch school ; portrait painter, son and pupil of Jan van Loo, then pupil of Abra- ham van den Tempel. Lived in 1652-60 in Amsterdam, where he painted portraits and small figures in the landscapes of Wy- nants the elder and Hobbema ; went thence to Paris, became naturalized, and was re- ceived into the Academy in 1663. Works : Regent Pieces (2, 1658, 1659), Haarlem Museum ; Portrait of Michel Corneille the 95