Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/145

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LOVE others of the painter's scholars, and their wives. Eeplicas, with changes, in Dresden, Vienna, and Gotha Galleries, and in Collec- tion of Duke of Pastrana, Madrid. En- Birth of Love, Eustache Lesueur, Louvre, Paris. graved by Jegher ; Clouwet ; Lempereur. Smith, ii. 132, ICG ; Madra/o ; Klas. der Malerei, PL 5. LOVE, HAPPY, Paolo Vermw, Cobhain Hall, England ; canvas, 5 ft. 10 in. sq. Cu- pid leading a man and a woman to an un- draped female figure seated on a globe, who holds an oak wreath over the woman's head ; behind, a dog. One of four allegorical pict- ures. From collection of Queen Christina of Sweden to Orleans Gallery ; valued at sale in 1793 at 200, sold for GO guineas. Engraved by L. Desplaces ; Beljambe. Waagen, Treasures, ii. 499 ; iii. 20 ; Cab. Crozat, ii. PI. 26; Ch. Blanc, Ecole venitiennc. LOVE, HISTOEY OF, Eustache Lesueur, Louvre, Paris. Series of six pictures, paint- ed about 1650 for the Cabinet de 1' Amour of the Hotel Lambert, Paris ; acquired about 1770 by Louis XVI., from whose collection they passed to the Louvre. The first five composed the ceiling, the sixth was above the fire-place. 1. Birth of Love (wood, H. 6 ft. x 4 ft, 2 in.). Engraved by Desplaces; Landon. 2. Venus presents L"ove to Ju- piter (wood, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x C ft. 6 in.). En- graved by Desplaces ; Landon ; Filhol. 3. Love, reprimanded by his mother, takes refuge in the arms of Ceres (canvas, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x 8 ft.). Engraved by Desplaces ; Lan- don. 4. Love receives the homage of the Gods (wood, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x (i ft. G in.). En- graved by Desplaces ; Landon ; Filhol. 5. Love commands Mercury to announce his power to the Universe (wood, H. 3 ft, 3 in. x H ft. ). Engraved by Landon ; Filhol. (i. Love steals Jupiter's thunderbolt (canvas, round, diam. 4 ft. (! in.). Engraved by Beauvais; Landon; Filhol. Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Landon, Must'e, VI. 9. / y$M ' ';:-. &~ ' ~"~ i*A?i miMK iaa.J8 1 ': IK) A I i : . Sacrifice to Love, Caspar Netscher, Uffizi, Florence. LOVE, SACRIFICE TO, Caspar Netscher, Uffizi, Florence ; wood, H. 1 ft. 11 in. X 1 ft. 7 in.; signed, dated 1GG8. A lady, dressed in white satin, is seated playing the lute in a garden decorated with statuary ; at her