Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/152

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LUXDBYE and in 1802 to Florence and Eomo ; re- turned to Copenhagen ill 1810, and became member of the Academy in 1814 ; was in Koine again in 181G-19, and in 1818 be- came professor at Copenhagen Academy. Tainted also portraits and small landscapes. Officer of Order of Danebrog. Works : Andromache beside Hector's Body (1807), Copenhagen Gallery ; The Greeks leaving Troy (1810) ; Habor's and Alger's Be turn from Battle (1814) ; Apparition of Christ (1815) ; Besnrrection (1818) ; Five Scenes from Introduction of Christianity in the North, Cliristiansborg Palace ; The Three Nornes (1844), Copenhagen Gallery. Weil- bach, 424. LUXDBYE, JOHAX THOMAS, born in Copenhagen, Sept. 1, 1818, died near Bes- ted, April 20, 1848. Animal painter, pupil of Copenhagen Acad- emy, but studied chief- ly from nature ; went to Italy in 1845, en- tered the Danish army as a volunteer in 1848, and vas killed only a week after, in the skirmish near Bested. Works: Coast View on Ise Fjord, Open Country in Xeeland (184-2), Interior of Cow Stable (1844), Oxen in the Campagna, Landscape with Sheep (1845), View in Zeeland, Horse Study, Coast View (1847), Gallery, Copenhagen ; Old Grave in Zeeland, Thorwaldsen Muse- um, ib. Sig. Mailer, 227 ; Weilbach, 432. LUXDEXS, GEHBIT, flourished about 1052-73. Dutch school ; genre painter in the manner of Metzu. Works : Fiddler in Peasant's Room (1(550), Dresden Museum ; Surgical Operation, Dusseldorf Academy ; do., Hausmann Collection, Herreuhausen, Hanover ; do. (1C52), Friesen sale, Cologne, March, 1885 ; Cako-baker, School-room (both attributed?), Amsterdam Museum. Krainin, iv. 1022 ; Kunst-Chronik, xix. 581 ; xx. 505 ; Nederlandsche Kuustbode (1881), 93. LUNDGBEN, EGRONT SELLIF, born in Stockholm, Dec. 18, 1815, died there, Dec. 12, 1875. Genre painter, pupil of Stockholm Academy, and in Paris of Cog- met ; visited Switzerland and Italy in 1844, Spain in 1849, working especially in Seville until 1852, when he went to England and there painted illustrations to Shakespeare and court festivals for Queen Victoria ; went to India in 1858, visited Sweden and Nor- way in 1860-G1, Egypt, Spain, and England in 1862, Italy in 18G5, England in 1871 ; mostly in Sweden since 1807. Works: Feast of Corpus Domini in Borne, Royal Palace, Stockholm ; S. Vitale in Ravenna, Library of Siena, Stockholm Museum ; Pilgrim's Festival in Valencia; The Forsaken Ones. Illustr. Zeitg. (1870), ii. 337; Kuust- Chronik, xi. 243. LUXDH, HENRIK TEODOR, born in Stockholm, Oct. 3, 1812. History painter, pupil of his uncle, Westin, and of Stock- holm Academy ; went to Paris in 1843, and at the outbreak of the revolution returned to Stockholm, where he was director of the Museum in 1851-58. Works : Iris visiting the God of Sleep ; Reception of Hercules in Olympus ; Eve at the Death of Abel ; Rebecca at the Well ; Landing of Gustavus Adolphus in Germany ; Entry of Gustavus Adolphus into Augsburg ; Gustavus Adol- phus before Battle of Brcitenfeld. Mailer, 344. LUNTESCHUTZ, JULES, born at Besau- n, in 1822. Genre and history painter, pupil of Philipp Veit at the Stiidel Institute in Frankfort, whither he returned in 1845, having meanwhile studied under Alaux in Paris. Usually paints religious pictures. L. of Honour, 1800. Works : Portrait of Schopenhauer, Germanic Museum, Nurem- berg ; A Drop of Venus's Blood tinting the Boses (1855). LUPINO. See Luini. LUTE PLAYER, Michelangelo da Cara- vaggio, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. A young man in a white shirt, and with a fillet about his head, sits singing to the accompaniment 114