Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/158

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MACCULLOCH Sunnyside Home of Washington Irving ; Cave of the Whuls Niagara (1878) ; Near Biddeford Maine, T. B. Clarke, New York ; Napanock Mills ( 1879 ) ; Hunting Days (1880) ; Winter Evening on the Hudson (1881); Mar- ket-PlaceMontreal (1882) ; Vesper Hour, Where Swallows Skim (1883) ; Memory of June, Ice Harvest, Cross-Road Bridge (1884); Old Mill-Race on Whippauy River New Jer- sey, November Day, il>. (1885) ; Long Pond New Hampshire, Late Autumn (1886). M vcCULLOCH, HORATIO, born in Glas- gow, Scotland, November, 1805, died in Ed- inburgh, June 24, 1807. Landscape paint- er, pupil in Glasgow of John Knox, a locally known landscape painter. Exhibited fre- quently at the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, of which ho was elected an as- sociate in 18:54 and a member in 1838. Removed to Edinburgh in 1847. Painted chielly Scottish scenery with great freshness and truth. Works : Deer Forest in Skye ; My Heart's in the Highlands ; Druid Stones by Moonlight ; Bridge over the Avon near Hamilton. Redgrave. MACEDONE, IL. See Clorio, Giorgio Giulio. McENTEE, JKRVIS, born iit Rondout, N. Y., July 14, 1828. Landscape painter, pu- pil of F. E. Church. In 181!'.) visited Europe, studied in the principal art galleries on the Con- tinent, and sketched in Italy and Switzerland. Elected an A.N.A. in 18(10, and N.A. in 1861. Studio in New York, in 1863 (1807) ; Venice, October Snow (1870); Scribner's Mill (1871), Robert Gordon ; Autumn, Robert Hoe, New York ; Old Mill in Winter, R. L. Stuart, ib.; Autumn Day, Charles Stuart Smith, ib. ; Wood Path, Henry James ; Cape Ann (1874); Song of Summer (1870) ; Winter in the Moun- tains (1878); Clouds (1879); Edge of a Wood, November (1880) ; Kaatskill River (1881), Works : Virgin in Joseph Cornell, New York ; Indian Summer, Valley of the Humboldt (1882) ; Uplands in Autumn, Wintry River, Autumn Memory (1883) ; Kaatskills in Winter, Yellow Au- tumn Woods, Shadows of Autumn (1884) ; Christmas Eve, Sundown in Winter (1885) ; Ashokan November, Glimpse of Hunter Mountain, Shadows of Autumn, Winter Morning (1880). Sheldon, 51. MACHARD, JULES LOUIS, born at Sampans (Jura), Sept. 22, 1830. History and portrait painter, pupil of Bailie and Signol, and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Won the grand prix de Rome in 1865. Paints gracefully drawn and poetically com- posed mythological scenes, and much-ad- mired portraits. Medals : 1st class, 1872 ; 2d class, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1878. Works : A Fancy (1865); Angelica chained to a Rock (1809), Dole Museum ; Narcissus and the Spring (1872) ; Silenus (1874) ; Psyche sur- rendered to Cupid (187(5), Transit of Venus (1877), Duke of Bucclcuch ; Young Woman wearing a Hood (1880) ; Death of Medusa, Bcsancon Museum. Bellier, ii. 6 ; Claretie, Peintres (1874), 225, 320, 368 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1805), xix. 280. MACHEATH, CAPTAIN, Gilbert S. New- Inn, Marquis of Lansdowne, Bo wood House, near Chippeuham. Scene from Gay's Beg- gar's Opera (1727). Captain Macheath in Newgate, upbraided by Polly Peachum, to whom he is married, and by Lucy, whom he has promised to marry. Painted in 1820. Bought by Marquis of Lansdowne for 500 guineas. MACHEK, ANTON, born at Podlaschitz, Bohemia, in 1771, died at Prague, Nov. 18, 1844. History and portrait painter, pupil in Prague of Wenzel Bluma (died in 1794), and of Ludwig Kohl, then of the newly created Academy (1800), where he won the second and soon after the first prize ; finally of the Vienna Academy. Having painted several members of the Imperial family with great success, he rapidly acquired pop- ularity as a portrait painter, especially after his return to Prague in 180G ; also painted 120