Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/161

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MADDERSTEG MADDERSTEG, MICHIEL, born at Am- sterdam in 1659, died there in 170',). Dutch school ; marine painter, the best pupil of Ludolf Backhuyzen, whom he often ap- proached in the treatment of water, while his skies and aerial perspective are inferior ; was especially skilled in the representation of ships, of which he was also a builder. Spent most of his life at the court of Fred- erick I. of Prussia, and after his return to Amsterdam became a picture dealer. Works : Fleet of Frederic I. on the Spree, Whalers, Berlin Museum (not exhibited); Others in Royal Palaces at Potsdam and Saus-Souci ; Roadstead of Amsterdam with many Ves- sels, Kunsthalle, Hamburg. Kramm, iv. 1039 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 505. MADEB, GEORG, born at Steinach, Ty- rol, Sept. 9, 1824, died at Gastein, May 31, 1881. History painter, pupil in Innsbruck of Hans Mader (179(5-1848, by whom is an Allegory on Sacred Music in the Ferdinan- cleum at Innsbruck); then at Munich Acad- emy of Heinrich Hess, and continued his studies under Kaulbach, Storch, and Johann Schraudolph ; assisted the latter in the frescos in Speyer Cathedral, returned to Tyrol, where in 1858-73 he painted cycles in fresco in churches at Bruneck and Stei- nach, spending his winters at Munich. He greatly promoted glass painting in his coun- try, and was one of the founders of the in- stitute for this branch of art at Innsbruck. Works : Prophecy of Simon, Jesus in the Temple (1852), Vision of David and Abra- ham (1853), Speyer Cathedral ; Cycle from Life of Mary (1858-GG), Bruneck, Tyrol; Cycle from Life of Christ (1867-73), Stei- nach, ib. ; Scenes from Life of the Magdalen, Martyrdom of St. Victor, Four Evangelists ; Death of St. Joseph, Court Chapel, Inns- bruck ; Cycle in Paris Church at Ischl, Up- per Austria. Allgem. d. Biogr., xx. 30 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvi. 670 ; Miiller, 347 ; Wurzbach, xvi. 239. MADONNA, Mariotto Albertinelli, Fitz- william Museum, Cambridge ; wood, signed, dated 1509. The Virgin, with a pomegra- nate in her hand, holds the Child standing on a parapet ; John Baptist, with the reed cross, looks on ; a bird pecks food ; vase of flowers on wall. Much repainted. Meyer, Kunst. Lex., i. 222 ; C. & C., Italy, iii. 487. By Fra Uartolommeo, Hermitage, St. Pe- tersburg ; wood, signed. The Virgin, sit- ting on the ground, holding Jesus to her bosom ; four angels, two of whom play on the mandolin. Painted in 1515. Engraved by Simonneau ; Sanders. C. t C., Italy, iii. 4(>3 ; Hermitage Cat. By Giovanni Jit'llini, Brera, Milan ; wood, H. 5 ft. x 4 ft. ; signed, dated 1510. The Virgin, seated, with Jesus standing on her knees, before a green curtain ; background, a landscape, with a horseman and a shep- herd and flock. Formerly in Saimazaro Gallery, Milan. Finely modelled and richly coloured. C. & C., N. Italy i. 184 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 411, 418. By Lodovico Carrai'fi, Louvre ; canvas upon wood, round, 3 ft. diam. The Virgin, seated, seen to knees, supports Jesus, stand- ing, with her left hand, and has the right upon a book. Bought by Louis XV. of Prince de Carignan for 800 livres. En- graved by Bart. Roger ; Bettelini. Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Musee royal, i. ; Filhol, vii. PI. 452. By (riuliii Romano, Uffizi, Florence; wood. The Virgin holds a book in her left hand and gives flowers with the other to Jesus, who smiles at her. The shadows have black- ened. Paris, Gal. di Fireuze, PL 53; La- vice, 45. By Fra Fllippo Lippi, Palazzo Pitti, Flor- ence ; wood, round, 4 ft. 3 in. diam. The Virgin, seated in a chair, holding a pome- granate, which Jesus, on her knee, grasps with his right hand ; in distance, to left, St. Anna ill bed, and infant Virgin in arms of a nurse, a figure at bedside announcing the coming of a servant ; to right, two women and a child, with presents, ascend steps ; in distance, Joachim and Anna meet- ing. Head of the Virgin said to be a por- trait of Lucrezia Buti. Engraved by G. 123