Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/165

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MADOXXA iu. The Virgin, seated, holding an open book, on which Jesus, standing by her side, has placed his right hand ; behind him is the infant St. John, and on each side are two angels, one of whom is reading from a scroll. Unfinished. Cat. Nat. Gal. By Rubens, Louvre ; canvas, H. 4 ft. G in. x 3 ft. 3 in. The Virgin, with Jesus in her arms, is borne upon clouds and sustained by groups of wingless angels ; above, two Madonna with Angels, Rubens, Louvre. suspend a crown over her head while others hold palms. Copy at Potsdam by a pupil of Eubens. Engraved by Visscher ; by anonymous, with changes. Cat. Louvre ; Landon, Musee, v. PL 57 ; Smith, ii. 116. MADONNA DI ANSIDEI, Raphael, Na- tional Gallery, London ; wood, H. 9 ft. x 5 ft., figures full-length, less than life-size ; dated 1506. The Virgin on a high throne with Jesus on her knees, both reading from a book ; on the left stands John Baptist ; on right, Bishop Nicholas of Bari, with cro- zier and book. Painted at Perugia for An- siilei family, as an altarpieee for chapel of S. Niccola da Bari in S. Fiorenzo ; bought in 1764 by Lord Robert Spencer, who placed in the chapel a copy by Niccola Monti, and presented to his brother, Duke of Marlbor- ougli, whence sometimes called Blenheim Madonna ; bought for National Gallery (1884) for 70,000. Engraved by L. Gru- nor (1850). C. & C., Raphael, i. 222 ; Pas- savant, ii. :!1 ; Miintz, 214 ; Waagen, Treas- ures, iii. 127 ; Grayer, Viergcs do Raphael, iii. 447 ; Liibke, Raphael, 31, 95 ; Portfolio (1884), 204. MADONNA, APPARITION OF, Anni- bale Carracci, Louvre ; canvas, H. 13 ft. 1 in. x 7 ft. 5 in. ; signed, dated 1592. At left, St. Luke, kneeling, implores the Virgin, who, with Jesus in her arms and surround- ed by the other Evangelists, appears in glory ; at right, St. Catherine, her foot upon the wheel. Painted, according to Malvasia, for the chapel of the notaries in the Cathe- dral of Reggio. From Musee Napoleon. Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Landon, Musi'e, ii. PL 46. MADONNA OF THE APPLE, Murillo, Sir William Eden, Bart., London ; canvas, H. 5 ft. x 3 ft. 3 in. The Virgin holds the Child seated on her knee ; he has an apple in one hand and with the other clasps one of her fingers. Second manner. Bought in 18o4 from Julian Williams. Curtis, 155; Atlienauim, Aug. 18, 1877. MADONNA DELLE ARPIE (of the Har- pies), Andrea del Sarto, Uffizi, Florence ; signed, dated 1517. The Virgin (said to be a portrait of Lucrczia Fede, wife of Andrea), with Jesus in her arms, standing supported by two boy angels on a pedestal, on which harpies are sculptured ; on the left, St. Francis ; on the right, St. John Evangelist. Painted for S. Francesco, Florence ; bought by Ferdinando de' Medici, who placed in the church a copy by Francesco Petrucci. One of the best of Andrea's easel pictures. Engraved in 1832 by J. Felsing ; Lasinio ; Loreuziui. Vasari, ed. Mil., v. 20 ; C. & C., 137