Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/187

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MADONNA Munich Gallery. The Virgin, with hands examples ; stippling is practised instead of crossed on her breast, standing within a shading by lines, and there are blendino- hedge over which roses are trained, looking half-tones instead of a sharp contrast bo- down at Jesus, who lies on a cloth spread twcen extremes of light and shade. From on the ground at her feet ; background, a this picture the Florentine school dates its landscape. W. & W., ii. 310. advance, and it is therefore of great in- MADONNA OF THE ROSE HEDGE terest Vasari, ed. Mil., i. 251; C. & C, (am Rosenhaag), Martin Ki.'h<uiyat'r, St. Italy, i. 203 ; lliepenhausen, Gesch. der Martin's, Colmar ; H. 7 ft. x 3 ft. 10 in. The Virgin, with Jesus in her lap, seated on a grass-bank in a bower of roses, among which birds are nestling ; above, two angels sus- pending a crown over her head. His most important picture. W. & W., ii. 100 ; Dohme (Keanc), 80 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 137 ; Kunstblatt, Aug. 25, 1846 ; Gontzwiller, Musc'e de Colmar, 30 ; F<">rstcr, ii. MADONNA WITH ROSES, Ti- tian, Uffizi, Florence ; wood, half- length, a little less than life-size. The Virgin, seated, with Jesus in her lap ; he stoops to take the roses which St. John offers him ; at one side, St. Anthony, white-haired and bearded, leans on his staff. Painted about 1508. C. & C., Titian, i. 108. MADONNA DE' RUCELLAI, Cimabue, S M. Novella, Florence ; wood, gabled, H. 13 ft. 7 in. x 8 ft. 11 in. The Virgin, with Jesus on her lap, sitting on a chair which is borne by six angels kneeling, three on each side, one above another ; frame ornamented with 30 small medallions with heads of saints. Painted about 1207 for the Cap- pella de' Rucellai, in S. M. Novella. It was I Malerci, i. 7 ; D'Agincourt, Peinture, PL the largest altarpiece ever painted, in its 108 ; Etruria Pittrice, i. PI. 8 ; Rc'veil, xiv. 901. MADONNA DEL SACCO (of the Sack), Andrea del Sarto, SS. Aununziata de' Servi, the faces have a softer expression than we Florence ; fresco, in a lunette over a door see in the given Byzantine madonnas ; the in the cloisters ; dated 1525. The Virgin, Child is not lifeless, and the adoring angels j seated, with Jesus in her arms ; beside her, are devotional. There is also a decided ; St. Joseph, leaning on a sack, reading from advance in drawing and colour over Greek a book. Painted for a lady who had it ex- Madonna de' Rucellr S. M. Novella, Florence. time, and was so much admired that it was carried to the church in a festive procession of people and trumpeters. In this picture 149