Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/189

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MADONNA Colonna family, Rome, who sold it iu 1802 to the King of Naples. On the expulsion of the Bourbons (1860) it fell into the hands of the Duke de Ripalda, who sent it to Ma- : drid. In 1869 sent to Paris, and offered to French Government for 1,000,000 francs ; exhibited in Louvre in February, 1870, when war with Germany ended the negotiations ; packed in a box during siege of Paris, and sent in June, 1871, to London, where it was offered for sale at .40,000. Remained in the storeroom of the National Gallery, Lon- don, until death of Duke de Ripalda (1883), who bequeathed it to ex-King Francis II. of Naples. Engraved by T. A. Juvara. The five panels which once formed the predella of this picture were sold in 1663 to Queen Christina of Sweden, for 600 scudi, and passed thence to the Orleans Collection. They are now scattered as follows : Christ's Agony on the Mount, Lady Burdett-Coutts, London ; Christ on Road to Golgotha (Leigh Court sale, 1884, 520 guineas), Lord Wind- sor ; Pieta, Mr. M. H. Dawson, London ; St. Francis of Assisi, and St. Anthony of Padua, Dulwich Gallery. Vasari, cd. Mil., iv. 324 ; C. & C., Raphael, i. 218 ; Passa- vant, ii. 25 ; Miintz, 205 ; Gioruale di Erud. lose., iii. 305 ; Gaz. dcs Beaux Arts, xvi. (1877) 259; Art Journal (1872), 28, 94; Gruyer, Vierges de Raphael, iii. 4(51. MADONNA WITH ST. BRIDGET, Ti- tian, Madrid Museum ; wood, H. 2 ft. 10 in. x 4 ft. 3 in. The Virgin, seated, with Jesus in her lap ; he bends forward to take the flowers which St. Bridget offers in a basin, but turns his face inquiringly towards his mother ; saint iu armour at left, supposed to be St. Hulfus, husband of St. Bridget, but may be portrait of a donor. Painted about 1508 ; originally in the Escorial ; still wrongly catalogued as by Giorgione. Copy at Hampton Court, not by Titian. C. & C., Titian, i. 110. MADONNA WITH ST. CATHERINE, Anton van Dyck, Grosveuor House, London ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 8 in. x 3 ft. ; figures seen to j knees. The Virgin, seated under a tree, gazing upon the Child in her lap, who is worshipped by St. Catherine kneeling, and with her hands crossed holding a palm. From collection of W. A. Ellis. Engraved by Blooteliug ; Bolswert ; Guzzi ; Ragot. Waageu, Treasures, ii. 165 ; Guiffrey, 245 ; Smith, iii. 3 ; Head, Van Dyck, 34. By Tintoretto, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 4 in. x 5 ft. The Virgin and Jesus with St. Catherine ; in front, a Venetian ad- miral kneeling. From the reserved pict- ures in 1853. Restored by Schirmer. MADONNA OF ST. DOMINICK, Lo- renzo Liitlo, S. Domenico, llecanati ; wood, middle panel 7 ft. 4 in. x 3 ft. 5 in. ; dated 1508. The Virgin, enthroned tinder a pan- elled arch, and attended by SS. Urban and Gregory, holds the Child iu benediction, while two seraphs play the viol and rebec on the throne steps ; to the left, St. Domi- nick bends in devotion before accepting the dress of his order presented by an angel ; on sides, SS. Thomas Aquinas and Flavian and Peter Martyr and Vitale. Painted in Venice ; sent to Recanati about 1525. C. & C , N. Italy, ii. 41)8 ; Vasari, cd. Mil, v. 250; Ricci, Mem. dell' Artc, etc , della Marca d' Ancona, ii. 92. MADONNA OF ST. FRANCIS, CVm/- <ji<>, Dresden Gallery ; wood, H. 9 ft. 8 in. x 7 ft. 10 in. ; signed. The Virgin, with Jesus on her lap, sits on an elevated throne under a vaulted canopy ; above her head is a glory and a ring of angels' heads, and on each side two angels float in space ; on one side of the throne are SS. Francis and An- thony of Padua, and on the other SS. John Baptist and Catherine. Painted in 1514-15 for Francescans at Correggio ; afterwards in Modena Gallery ; bought about 1745 from Duke Francesco di Estc-Modena by Augus- tus III., Elector of Saxony and King of Po- land. Restored by Palnmroli in 1827. En- graved by Mitelli ; Fessard ; Lutz ; Levy. Meyer, Correggio, 304, 478 ; Kiinst. Lex., i. 428 ; Gal. Roy. de Dresde, i. PI. 1 ; Lan- don, (Euvres, viii. PI. 19 ; Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 499. 151