Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/196

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MADONNA shoulder ; St. Michael, weighing souls in a pair of scales. Long in Sanvitale Collec- tion, where attributed to Leonardo. Aino- retti, Mem. Stor. di Leo. Vinci, 41 ; C. fc C., N. Italy, i. 238. By Francesco Cotta, Bologna Gallery ; canvas, figures life-size ; signed, dated 1474. Virgin and Child enthroned under an arch ; on left, St. Petronius and Alberto de' Cata- nei kneeling ; on right, St. John Evangelist. Painted for Domenico d'Amorini and Al- berto de' Catanei. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 523; Bim-khardt, 579. By Lorenzi di Gredi, Louvre ; wood, 5 ft. 3 in. sq. The Virgin enthroned, with Jesus on her knees in the attitude of benediction ; at left, St. Julian ; at right, St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, reading. Painted for Mon- astery of Cestcllo, Florence ; carried to Paris in 1812. Called by Vasari the best work of the master. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 507 ; Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Landon, Musce, 2d Col., iv. PL 19. By Domenu-hino, Brera, Milan; canvas, H. 13 ft. 11 in. x 8 ft. '.) in. The Virgin en- throned, with the Child standing on a crim- son-velvet cushion ; four angels make music for them ; other angels in the sky ; below are SS. John the Evangelist and Petronius, with two angels. The picture is fine, but somewhat cold. Formerly in S. Petrouio de' Bolognesi, Homo. Lavice, 15G. By Doxno Dossi, Ferrara Gallery ; wood, H. 1(5 ft. 5 in. x 1(5 ft. The Virgin and Child, with Infant John Baptist, on a lofty throne under a canopy ; above, a glory of angels ; below, SS. John Evangelist, Jerome, Andrew the Apostle, and others ; on sides, in compartments, SS. Sebastian and George below, and SS. Gregory and Ambrose above. A sumptuous picture, called by Burckhardt one of the greatest treasures of art in North Italy. Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 488. By Francesco Francia, Bologna Gallery ; wood, H. G ft. 5 in. x 4 ft. 9 in. The Vir- gin enthroned, with Jesus on her lap ; be- low, SS. Augustine, George, John Baptist, Stephen, and an angel. Painted for Church of the Misericordia, Bologna ; sent to Milan, where it remained some time in the gallery, but finally returned to Bologna. Engraved by G. llosaspina. Pinac. di Bologna, PI. 59. By Garofalo, Ferrara Gallery ; wood, H. 8 ft, x 5 ft. ; signed, dated 1514. The Vir- gin and Child seated upon clouds in a glory of angels ; below, SS. Jerome and Francis of Assisi, with two members of the Suxena family praying. Painted for S. Spirito, Fer- rara. Eestored by Palmaroli in 1826. Va- sari, ed. Mil., vi. 4G3. By Domeuico Ghirlandajo, Florence Acad- emy. The Virgin and Child between two angels, with flowers ; on right, St. Thomas Aquinas ; on left, St. Denis Areopagite ; in front, SS. Clement and Dominick kneeling. In predella, the Pieta between four episodes of the saints' lives. C. & C., Italy, ii. 437. By Domenico Ghirlandajo, Uffizi, Flor- ence ; wood, figures life-size. The Virgin and Child enthroned ; at sides, two angels and St. Michael, two angels and St. Gabriel ; in front, SS. Zeuobius and Justus kneeling in adoration. Painted about 1485 for S. Giusto, near Florence ; transferred in 1529 to S. Giovanni Battista, called della Scalza ; acquired by government in 1857. A noble picture. C. & C., Italy, ii. 487 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., iii. 257 ; Ciuelli, Belezze di Firenze, 126. 'By Giorgione, Church of Castelfranco ; wood, H. G ft. 6 in. x 4 ft. 9 in. The Virgin enthroned, with Jesus on her lap ; on one side, St. Francis ; on the other, St. Liberale in armour. According to some, the two saints are likenesses of Giorgione and his brother ; according to others, St. Liberale is a portrait of Matteo Costanzo, a captain of lances, who died at Ravenna in 1504. Painted after 1504 ; much repainted. Copy in Stafford House, London ; study for St. Liberale, called Knight in Armour, National Gallery, London. C. &. C., N. Italy, ii. 129; Eidolfi, Maraviglie, i. 123; Richter, 86; Art Journal (1884), 247. By Beuozzo Gozzoli, National Gallery, London ; wood, tempera, H. 5 ft. 2 in. x 5 158