Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/199

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MADONNA By Girolamo Romanino, S. Francesco, Brescia ; wood, arched ; signed, dated 1502, but probably not finished until 1512. The Virgin and Child enthroned in an open archway, the sky being intercepted by a green cloth held up by two dancing cher- ubs ; at sides, SS. Francis and Anthony, standing ; in front, SS. Bernardino, Louis of Toulouse, Bonaventura, and another, kneeling. Ordered by the executors of Fra Sansone (died 1-199), general of the Fran- ciscan order. Formerly the centre of a great triptych, on the doors of which were compositions from the life of St. Francis. Much injured. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 371 ; Eidolfi, Marav., i. 350. By II Rosso, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; wood, H. 11 ft. 5 in. x 8 ft, 5 in. The Vir- gin and Child, enthroned in a niche, between saints ; at right, SS. Sebastian, Bernard (kneeling), Augustine, James, and another ; at left, SS. Peter, Paul, and two others ; in front, St. Catherine, kneeling, with a book in her hand, and near her a cimeter and a broken wheel. Engraved by Clerici. Va- sari, ed. Mil, v. 158 ; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, iv. PI. 84 By llubeiix, Casscl Gallery ; canvas. The Virgin, sitting in a landscape, holding Jesus in her arms ; near her, St. John, standing ; before her, the Magdalen and St. Ixoch, kneeling ; at left, SS. Dominick, Francis, and George, King David, and a bishop, standing. Zeitschr., v. 202 ; Cat. Cassel Gal. By fiubcns, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; wood, H. 13 in. x 9i in. The Virgin, seated, holds Jesus, who is caressing a lamb, across the neck of which St. John is leaning, holding its ear ; behind the latter, St. Elizabeth. Formerly in Houghtou Col- lection. Engraved by Earlom. Smith, ii. 156. By Rubens, Duke of Rutland, Belvoir Cas- tle ; canvas, H. 8 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. The Virgin, seated, with the Child in her lap, about to place a crown on the head of St. Catherine, kneeling with a palm-branch in her hand ; on the other side, SS. Christina and Mar- garet, and four angels. One of Rubens' most attractive pictures. Waagen, Treas- ures, iii. 399. By Andrea Salai, Brera, Milan ; wood, H. 6 ft. G in. x -4 ft. 10 in. The Virgin and Child, to whom St. Peter delivers the keys ; behind, St. Paul, standing. Formerly in S. Andrea alia Pusterla, Milan. Kugler (East- lake), ii. 306 ; Brera Cat. By Andrea del Sarlo, Palazzo Pitti, Flor- ence ; wood, H. 9 ft. 10 in. x G ft. (5 in. ; dat- ed 1540. The Virgin in glory, adored from below by SS. Giovan Gualberto, Caterina, Fedele, and Bernardo degli Uberti, Bishop of Parma ; rocky background. Ordered in 1529 for Abbey of Poppi in Casentino ; paid for in 1531, though unfinished, and com- pleted in 1540, after Andrea's death, by Vin- cenzo Bonelli, who added the date. Ac- quired in 1818 by Ferdinand III. Only upper part is Andrea's. C. & C, Italy, iii. 518 ; Vasari, ed. Mil, v. 49 ; Benci, Lettere sul Casentino (Florence, 1821), 17. By II Sodnma, Pisa Academy ; canvas, fig- ures life-size. The Virgin, with Jesus in her arms, sits on a stone bench in front of a tree ; on one side, SS. Sebastian and Jo- seph ; on the other, SS. John Baptist and Peter with book and keys ; in front, SS. Mary Magdalen and Catherine, kneeling. Painted in 15-42 for S. M. della Spina, Pisa. Vasari, ed. Mil, vi. 398 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex, iii. 216, 226. By II Kodoma, Turin Gallery ; wood, H. 7 ft. 4 in x 5 ft. The Virgin, seated, holding Jesus, who stands in front of her, enthroned on a pedestal under a canopy, the curtains of which are held back by two flying cher- ubs ; at left, SS. Catherine and Jerome ; at right, SS. Lucy and John Evangelist. Painted about 1512-13 ; formerly at Colle di Val d'Elsa. Engraved by A. Lauro. Gal. di Torino, iv. PI. 125 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex, iii. 224. By TintoreMo, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, H. 15 ft. x 7 ft. 8 in. The Virgin and Child, surrounded by angels, enthroned in a nim- ifii