Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/203

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MADONNA i. 427; Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 114; Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 503. MADONNA OF THE SCALES (Vierge aux balances), school of Leonardo du Vinci, Louvre ; attributed by Waagen to Marco d'Oggiono, by Passavaut to Salai, and by Mtludler to Cesare da Sesto ; canvas, H. 3 ft. x 2 ft. 3 in. Virgin, seated, holding In- fant Jesus, to whom Archangel Michael, kneeling, presents a pair of scales, symbol of justice ; near the Virgin arc St. Eliza- beth and Infant St. John holding a lamb. Formerly in collection of Louis XIV. Va- sari, ed. Mil., iv. GO ; Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Rigollot, Hist, des Arts, etc., i. 281 ; Miind- ler, 114 ; Landon, Musi'c, v. 1. MADONNA BELLA SCODELLA (of the Cup), Corregyio, Parma Gallery ; wood. The Virgin, with Jesus by her side, sitting under a palm-tree, holds in one hand a plate ; Joseph pulls down a branch with ass to a tree. Scene from the apocryphal gospel, representing the rest in Egypt. Painted in 1527-28 for S. Sepolcro, Parma, clla Sedia, Raphael, Palazzo Pitti, Flo Madonna della ScodeMa, Correggio, Parma Gallery. one hand, and gives the Child fruit with the other, while angels above appear to aid him ; in background, an angel or cherub tying the where it remained until carried to Paris by the French ; when restored, placed in the gallery. Engraved by Briccio ; Toschi ; Masse. Meyer, Correggio, 311, 47G ; Kiinst. Lex., i. 429 ; Landon, CEuvres, viii. PL :i ; Klas. der Malcrei, i. PL 50 ; Kugler (East- lake), ii. 503 ; llosiui, iv. 2(51. MADONNA DELLA SEDIA (of the Chair) or Seggiola (Little Chair), Raphael, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; wood, round, 2 ft. G in. diameter. The Virgin, seated in a chair, clasps Jesus to her bosom with both arms, leaning her head against his ; at right, In- fant St. John, with hands clasped in adora- tion. Painted in Rome in 151G-17, entirely by hand of Raphael. In Pitti Gallery since 1539 ; mentioned ioi catalogue of 1589 ; car- ried to Paris in 1799 ; returned in 1815. A masterpiece of indescribable charm ; per- haps the most popular picture ever painted. Two sketches in Wicar Collection, Lille. Engraved by R. Morghen ; B. Desnoyers ; J. G. Muller ; F. Bartolozzi ; Ch. Schuler ; S. Raeven ; Sadeler ; Picchianti ; Lorenzini ; Ferd. Gregori (17G8) ; V. Vanni ; Preisler (1784) ; M. S. Carmona (1795) ; Lasinio ; Dupouchel ; 11. U. Massard ; J. Calendi ;