Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/206

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MADONNA MADONNA WITH THE WHITE LADY. See Madonna with Saints, Titian, Dresden Gallery. MADONNA OF ZOPP^, Titian, Church at Zoppo ; canvas, H. 4 ft. x 3 ft. Madonna enthroned between SS. Joachim and Jerome, and St. Anna in prayer in front. Painted iu 1528, during a visit made while a pestilence was raging in Venice, for an altarpiecc in the chapel founded there by Matteo Pala- tini. The arms of the Palatini family ap- pear on the pedestal at the left of St. Anna's head. Injured by damp while concealed in the wood behind the village during the French invasion and by injudcious restora- tion. C. &. C., Titian, i. 324 ; Gilbert, Ca- dore, 79. MADOU, JEAN 15APTISTE, born in Brussels, Jan. 2G, 1790, died there, April 3, 1877. Genre painter, pupil of P. J. C. Francois ; one of the most origi- nal among modern Belgian artists. He was at first a lithog- rapher, and from 1821 to 1840 pub- lished a number of valuable collective works, such as "Picturesque; Views in Belgium," " Scenes of Society," etc. His genre scenes from 18th century are often humourous. Member of Brussels and Antwerp Acad- emies. Medal, and L. of Honour, 1855 ; Or- der of Lion ; Commander of Order of Leo- pold, 18G3. Works : Ambulant Musicians, Jeweller (1835) ; The Outlaw, Pages on a Farm, Much Ado about Nothing, Peasants in Admiration ; Scenes from Lives of Flem- ish and Dutch Painters (1840) ; Flemish Festival in 18th Century; Rat-Hunt, The Driveller, Brussels Museum ; Gallant Feat, Artist's portrait, Antwerp Museum ; Poach- ers stopped by Forester, Museum Fodor, Amsterdam ; Huntsman, Stettin Museum ; Importunate Acquaintance, William Astor, New York ; Scolding Wife, W. H. Vauder- bilt, ib. ; Flemish Cabaret, C. Vanderbilt, ib. ; Latest News, Old Friends, Aug. Bel- mont, ib. ; Pinch of Snuff, J. J. Martin, Brooklyn. Art Journal (1866), 37 ; (1877), 176 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1864), xvii. 468 ; Im- merzeel, ii. 193 ; Kramrn, iv. 1039 ; Kunst- bl. (1855), 145 ; (1856), 7 ; Kunst-Chronik, xii. 531. MADRAZO Y AGUDO, Don JOSfi DE, born at Santander, April 22, 1781, died in Madrid, May 8, 1859. History and portrait painter, pupil of Madrid Academy, and in Paris of David, and finally studied in Rome. Became court painter, and in 1818 director of the Madrid Academy, and later also of the Museum. He did much towards the reform of the Academy, and through numerous pu- pils greatly influenced modern art in Spain. Member of Accademia di S. Luca in Rome, and in 1832 honourary member of Dresden Academy. Works : Jesus at House of Ana- nias, Death of Viriathus, Triumph of Divine over Worldly Love, Allegory of Spring, do. of Winter, do. of Morning, do. of Noon (1819), Equestrian portrait of Ferdinand VII., Ma- drid Museum ; Death of Lucretia, Fight of Greeks and Trojans over Body of Patroclus, Quirinal, Rome ; Sacred Heart of Jesus with Glory of Angels, Salosian Convent, Madrid; Madonna with Angels, Battle of Cerignola, Conquest of Breda ; Portraits of Charles IV. and Maria Louisa. Kunstbl. (1855), 215 ; Passavaut, Christl. K. iu Spanieu, 118 ; Un- scro Zeit (1859), 462. MADRAZO Y KUNT, Don FEDERICO DE, born in Rome, Feb. 12, 1815. History, genre, and portrait painter, son and pupil of Joso Madrazo, and student in Paris of Win- terhalter. In 1835 he founded, with his brother-inlaw, Eugenio de Ochoa, the art journal El Artista. Court painter and pro- fessor at Madrid Academy. Medals : Paris, 3d class, 1838 ; 2d class, 1839 ; 1st class, 1845, 1855, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1846; Offi- cer, 1860 ; Commander, 1878 ; Member of Paris Academy in 1873. Works: Godfrey de Bouillon proclaimedKingof Jerusalem (1839), Versailles; Museum; Maria Christina as a Nun 168