Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/225

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MAN tically. Engraved by R. Staines. Royal Academy, 1840. Veruon Collection. Waa- gen, Treasures, i. 373 ; Cat. Nat. Gal. MAN, COHNELIS DE, born at Delft in 1G21, died there in 170G. Dutch school ; portrait and interior painter ; went early to Italy, and for nine years studied in Rome, Florence, and Venice ; made his reputation with a portrait of the Regents of the Cor- poration of Surgeons at Delft, where he en- tered the guild in 1G42, and was its dean in 1GG1-G3, and repeatedly afterwards, last in 1G9G. Works : Peasant Wedding, Hague Museum ; Rustic Interior (1G87), Rotter- dam Museum ; Interior of Gothic Church, Darmstadt Museum. Innnerzeel, ii. 197 ; Kramin, iv. 1049. MAN WITH FALCON, Rembrandt, Gros- venor House ; wood, H. 3 ft. 8 in. x 3 f t. 2 in. ; signed, dated 1G43. A young man, seen to knees, with light hair, holding a fal- con on his wrist. His wife (wood, same size), in a rich dress and ornaments, with a fan in her hand. The two withdrawn at Grand- pre sale at 40,000 francs. Waagen, Treas- ures, ii. 1GG. MAN WITH A GLOVE. See Ilomme an Gant. MAN WITH THE HOE (L'homme ;i la houe), Jean Francois Millet, lately in Defoer Collection, Paris. A sturdy peasant, wearied with toil, has stopped to rest, and stands, his body half bent over, leaning upon the short clumsy hoe used by labourers in France. Painted in 18G2 ; Salon, 1863 ; sold to M. Crabbe, Brussels ; Defoer bought it for 175,000 francs ; at his sale, Paris (188G), 57,100 francs. Etched by Bracquemoud. Sensier, 236. MAN IN THE LEATHER BELT (L'homme a la ceinture de cuir), Gustave Courbet, Luxembourg Museum, Paris ; can- vas, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 7 in. Portrait of the painter in his youth. Half-length, in a blouse with a broad leathern belt, into which is thrust the thumb of his left hand ; his right elbow leans upon a table, and his face is supported on the back of his hand. Sale of Courbet's works, Paris (1881), 26,000 francs, bought by State. MAN WITH THE PINKS (Mann mit | den Xelken), Jan van Eyck, Berlin Museum ; wood, H. 1 ft. 4 in. x 1 ft. Bust portrait, three-quarters life-size, in gray doublet lined with fur and high fur cap ; in right hand, two red pinks, and in left, which is raised, two white ones. From Suermondt Collec- tion, 1874. MAN PROPOSES -GOD DISPOSES, Sir Edwin Landncer, Holloway Institute, Egham, near London ; canvas. Suggested by the finding of the relics of Sir John Franklin. In an Arctic landscape a hut with relics strewn around, a large white bear with a bone in its mouth, and another sprawled on the ice dragging part of the Union Jack from beneath a spar. Painted in 18G4 ; belonged to E. V. Coleman. Stoke Park ; sold at his sale (1881) to Thomas Holloway for G,G15. Stephens, 105 ; Art Journal (London, 1882), 317. MAN OF SORROWS, Andrea MantKr/a, Copenhagen Museum ; wood, tempera, H. 1 ft. Gf in. x2 ft. G.I- in.; signed. Christ en- throned, with two angels behind holding the corners of his winding-sheet ; to the left, Jerusalem at sunset ; to the right, Gol- gotha. Painted about 1489 ; formerly in collection of Cardinal Valenti, Secretary of State under Benedict XIV. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 403. MANCINELLI, GIUSEPPE, born at Naples in 1813, died at Palazzuolo di Cas- trocielo, Province Siracusa, Italy, May 24, 1875. History painter, pupil of Naples Academy, then studied in Rome. Although of no extraordinary talent, he did much to- wards the promotion of art at Naples under contrary circumstances ; became professor at Naples Academy in 1850, and later its president. Member of several academies. Works : St. Charles Borromeo healing the Plague-stricken, S. Carlo all' Arena, Naples ; Curtain for the Teatro San Carlo, ib.; Ma- donna degli Angeli ; Christ in the Garden ; St. Clara taking the Robe of St. Francis of 185