Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/241

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MATIK MARK, ST., CURING ANIANUS, Gima da Conegliano, Berlin Museum ; wood, H. 5 ft. 6 in. x 4 ft. 4 in. Long in the Gesuiti, Venice. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 245. By Giovanni Manxueti, Venice Academy ; canvas, H. 12 ft. x 13 ft. 1 in.; signed. Aniaiius, the cobbler, seated with a shoe strapped to his knee, shows his hand wounded by an awl ; St. Mark, in the pres- ence of the people, who fill the market - place of Alexandria, cures him with a blessing. Painted about 1500 for Scuola di S. Marco, Venice. C. <fc C., N. Italy, i. 221 ; Burckhardt, 599. MARK AND MARCELLI- NUS, STS., MARTYRDOM OF, Paolo Veronese, S. Sebas- tiano, Venice. The Saints are exhorted by St. Sebastian to meet martyrdom with firmness. One of the master's finest works. Zanotto, 428. MARK, ST., MIRACLE OF, Tintoretto, Venice Academy ; canvas. St. Mark, who is rep- resented flying downwards, frustrates, by his power over physical laws, the attempts of the Turks to torture a Chris- tian slave for acts of devotion to him ; in the centre a stand- ing figure exhibits to the over- seer the broken tools. Painted about 1548 ; one of four pict- ures for Scuola di S. Marco ; carried to Paris in 1709 ; returned in 1815. Popularly considered Tintoretto's master- piece. Taine thinks it unsurpassed, and Ch. Blanc regards it as equal in colouring to any other work in Venice ; but Ruskin says it is excelled in some respects by the Death of Abel, and the Fall of Man, near it. Vasari, ed. Mil., vi. 592 ; Rosini, v. 254 ; Ridolfi, Marav., ii. 186 ; Zanotto, 505 ; Burck- hardt, 744 ; Lavice, 462 ; Laiidon, Musee, ix. PI. 13. MARK, ST., RING OF, Paris Bordone, Venice Academy. The fisherman present- ing to the Doge, who is seated on a dais, in an illustrious assembly, the ring which was given to him by St. Mark. Burckhardt calls this the "most beautifully painted ceremonial picture which exists." Carried to Paris in 180G ; returned to Venice in 1815. Landon, Musoe, 2d Col., iii. 1 ; Ring of St. Mark, Paris Bordone, Venice Academy. Burckhardt, 199 ; Murray, Hand-Book, N. Italy, 38(3. MARK, ST., SERMON OF, Gentile Bellini, Brera, Milan ; canvas, figures one-third life- size. St. Mark, on a platform in front of a mosque, preaching ; Venetians and Orientals of all ages and both sexes before him, listen- ing. Begun by Gentile in 1507 for Scuola di S. Marco ; finished after his death, probably by Giovanni Bellini. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 135 ; Ridolfi, Maraviglie, i. 80 ; Lavice, 134. 201