Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/245

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MARRIAGE H. 7 ft. 4 in. x 17 ft. Similar in composi- tion to others, with new and spirited mo- tives, but dull and uninteresting in colour. Formerly in convent of the Cappuccini, Padua. By Paolo Veronese, Dresden Gallery ; can- vas, H. 7 ft. 3 in. x 16 ft. Christ seated at a table, spread in an open court, among many others, male and female, mostly in Venetian costume ; among the guests are a Moor, in a turban, and a negro. From the Modena Collection. Transferred to new canvas in his left, cardinals and other ecclesiastics. The bridegroom is Alfonso d'Avalos, Mar- quis del Vasto; the bride, Eleanor of Austria, sister of Charles V. and Queen of France. Behind her is the court-jester. The musi- cians in the foreground represent the great painters of Venice : Titian plays a bass-viol ; Bassano, the elder, a flute ; Tintoretto, a vio- loncello, and Veronese himself, in a white costume, a second violoncello. The stand- I ing figure at the right, with a goblet in his hand, is Benedetto Caliari, the painter's . Marriage at Cana, Paolo Veronese, Lou 1827 by Palmaroli. Engraved by Jacob. Gal. roy. de Dresde, ii. PI. 9 ; Eidolfi, Ma- rav., ii. 57 ; Hiibner, Dresden Gal., i. 15. By Paolo Veronese, Louvre ; canvas, H. 21 ft. x 32 ft. One of the largest easel pict- ures ever painted, containing about 130 fig- ures, many of them portraits. Table spread in a court, with splendid architectural back- ground ; Christ seated in the middle ; on his right, noted sovereigns of the Kith cen- tury, including Francis L, Charles V., Soly- man II., and Queen Mary of England ; on brother. Painted in 15G3 for refectory of Convent of S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice ; carried to Paris in 1707, and retained, M. Denon having persuaded the Austrian Com- missioners in 1815 to take instead of it Charles Le Brim's Repas chez le Pharisien. Engraved by Mitelli ; Jackson ; Prevot (1854). Vasari, ed. Mil., vi. 372 ; Kidolfi, Marav., ii. 27 ; Felibien, i. 723 ; Ch. Blanc, , Ecole vonitienne ; Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Fil- hol, ix. PI. 001 ; Landon, Musee, xvii. PI. 49. 205