Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/271

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MECKEL MECKEL, ADOLF VON, born at Carls- rube ; contemporary. Landscape painter, pupil of Hans Gude ; travelled iu the East. Gold medal. Works : Kalaat and Akabat, Spring in Palestine (1884) ; Evening near the Dead Sea (1885) ; On the Source of the Elisa near Jericho, Storm (Jubilee Exhibi- tion, Berlin, 188G). MECKLENBURG, LUDWIG, born in Hamburg, Sept. 15, 1820, died iu Munich, June 11, 1882. Architecture painter, settled in 1843 in Munich ; was especially success- ful in representations of night effects. Works : Crossway in S. Zeno, Verona (1847), Venice (18G1), Kuusthallo, Ham- burg ; Cloister of S. Bernardino, Verona (I860) ; Cloister in Brixen ; View near Ri- alto Bridge by Moonlight ; View in Venice at Noon ; View in St. Mark's ; Doge's Palace in Starlight ; S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice ; S. Maria della Salute, ib. ; Riva degli Schia- voni, ib. ; Market Square in Liibeck ; Piazza delle Erbe, Verona ; Interior of S. Anastasia, ib. ; Canal iu Venice by Moonlight (185G), Neuturm and Kostthor Munich, Anger- tbor, ib. (1872), New Pinakotbek, Munich ; Canal grande Venice, Mrs. D. D. Colton, San Francisco. Allgem. d. Biogr., xxi. 2(iG ; Allgeni. Zeit., July 3, 1882, Beilage, 184 ; Kuust-Cbronik, xvii. G10 ; Miiller, 3G1. MECUCCIO. See Beccafiimi. MEDARD, EUGENE, born in Paris; contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of Cogniet, Sebastieu Cornu, and Gi'- rome. Medal, 3d class, 1879 ; 2d class, 1886. Works : Separation of Orpheus and Eurydice (1870) ; Bivouac near Chateau de Buzenval (1873) ; Birds'-Nester (1874); Con- secration of St. Genevieve, Offering to Venus (1875) ; Scouts iu December 1870, Cupid fleeing from Psyche (187G) ; Attack of a Vil- lage, 1870 (1877) ; Triumph of Silenus (1878) ; A Retreat (1879, bought by State); ' ,E,UGEN E .MEDA1U> 1870-1871 187.5" (1880) ; General Lecourbe defending Bel- fort in 1815 (1881), Hotel de Ville, Belfort ; Reinforcements ariviug on Battlefield (1881); Attack of a Village in 1870 (1883). -Bellier, ii. (54. MEDEA (Mt'dt'e furiouse), Eugene Dela- croix, Lille Museum ; canvas, H. 8 ft. (5 in. x5ft. 5 in.; signed, dated 1838. Medea, pursued, is about to slay her children. She is seated near the entrance of a cavern hold- ing the struggling little ones with one hand and a dagger in the other ; looking back over her shoulder with a defiant air, as if awaiting her pursuers. Salon, 1838 ; Ex- position universelle, 1855. Replica (1803) ; Pereire Collection, Paris ; then Laurent- Richard Collection ; another, Arras Museum. Sketches, Lille Museum. Engraved by Charles Geoifroy ; Milius ; Feyen-Perrin. Lithographed by Challemel ; Alopbe ; Las- salle. Gax. des B. Arts (18G4), xvi. 19(i ; (1873), vii. 184 ; Chesiieau, L'CEuvre de Delacroix, 181. MEDEA, ancient picture. See Arixtolnux, Timomachus, MEDICI, GIULIANO DE', portrait, Ilaphai'l, lost (?). Youngest brother of Pope Leo X., who made him, in 1515, Cap- tain General of the Church. He married the aunt of Francis I., who gave him the title of Due de Nemours. Raphael painted him in 1513 and again in 1514. Copy by Alessandro Allori in the Uffizi ; another in collection of Grand Duchess Marie, St. Pe- tersburg.- Passavant, ii. 145 ; Miint/, 410 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 352 ; Springer, 253. MEDICI, IPPOLITO DE', Cardinal, por- trait, Titian, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; canvas, H. 4 ft. G in. x 3 ft. 4 in. In Hungarian cos- tume. Painted about 1533. Copy in Lou- vre (by Battista Franco ?) ; three-fourths fig- ure, turned to left, red bonnet with feathers and a jewelled clasp, collar of red garment turned up. Collection of Louis XIV. Ti- tian painted a second portrait of him iu ar- mour, which Vasari mentions, but it is lost. Engraved by Sivalli. Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 441 ; C. & C., Titian, i. 377 ; Filbol, i. PI. 41 ; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, iii. PL 121 ; Miiud- ler, 214.