Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/275

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MEEB MEER, JAN VAN DER, the elder, born in Haarlem, baptized Oct. 22, 1628, died there, buried Aug. 25, 1691. Dutch school ; landscape painter, pupil of Jacob do Wet ; free of the guild in 1654, and holding an office in it in 1667-70. Painted views of the downs in Holland with delicate light ef- fects and excellent figures ; several of his pictures were attributed to his contempo- rary Van der Mecr van Delft. Works : Tavern Entrance (1652), Louvre ; Village of Noordwyk (1676), Rotterdam Museum ; Horsemen in the Woods, Basle Museum ; do., and Hilly Forest Landscape, Old Pin- akothek, Munich ; Flat Country, View of Haarlem, In the Downs, Berlin Museum ; Forest-Path with Horseman, Wood Interior, View in the Downs, Dresden Gallery ; Land- scape in Brunswick, Darmstadt, Hanover, Oldenburg, Sclnverin, Meiningen, Schleiss- heim, Turin Galleries ; Areuberg Gallery, Brussels ; Czerniu and Liechtenstein Gal- leries, Vienna.- Allgeni. d. Biogr., xxi. 171 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 384 ; Kramni, iv. 1086 ; Kunst-Chrouik, xix. 424 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 386 ; Van der Willigen, 218 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., iv. 346 ; v. 230 ; vii. 200, 349 ; x. 35. MEER, JAN VAN DER, the younger, born in Haarlem, baptized Nov. 29, 1656, died there, May 28, 1705. Dutch school ; landscape painter, sou of Jan the elder, pu- pil of his father and of Berchem ; master of the Haarlem guild in 1683, when he mar- ried the sister of Cornells Dusart. He had a pure feeling for nature, and his execution is careful, but the tone of his pictures is cold and heavy. Sheep, which he had studied thoroughly, form the principal subject in his landscapes. Works : Landscape with Sheep (1678), Amsterdam Museum ; do. . ^ / (1688), Rotter- '*' I O*4 ^ /6O L dam Museum ; ~-r -* ~* do (1679), J I/ J.MjzJLf Jbfto Berlin Museum; do. (1679), Gallery, Co- penhagen ; do. (1681), Moltke Collection, ib. ; do., Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Lake with Donkeys and Drovers (1654), Shep- herds and Flock near Cottage, Dresden Gallery ; Flocks of Sheep Resting (2), Kunst- halle, Hamburg ; Three Landscapes (1099), Schwerin Gallery ; Dutch Windmill (1693), Historical Society, New York. Gaz. des B. Arts (1866), xxi. 306 ; Immcrzeel, ii. 210 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 452 ; Kramm, iv. 1086 ; Burger, Musi'es, ii. 285. MEER, JAN VAN DER, of Delft. See Vermeer. MEER, JOHAN VAN DER, of Utrecht, born at Schoonhoven in 1628, died in rtrecht in 1711. Dutch school; portrait painter ; went to Rome in company with Lieve Verschuur, and lived there many years in friendly intercourse with Van Drost and Karel Lot (Carlo Lotti). He was dean of the Utrecht guild in 1664. Works : Portraits of Regents, Fundatic- Huis, Utrecht. Immerzeel, ii. 210 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 384; Kramm, iv. 1087; Gaz. des B. Arts (1866), xxi. 305. MEERTE, PIETER, born in Brussels in 1619, died there in 1009. Flemish school ; portrait painter, with good conception and warm colouring, master of the Brussels guild in 1040. Works : Syndics of Fish- mongers' Corporation, Brussels Museum ; Portraits of a Naval Captain and Wife, Male Portrait, Berlin Museum. Fi'tis, Cat. du Mus. roy., 372 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 232 ; Kramm, iv. 1089 ; Michiels, ix. 23. MEGAN, G. E., flourished about 1060. Flemish school ; landscape and figure paint- er, said to have settled in Vienna about 1660. Works : Wood Landscape with Stag- Hunt, do. with Attack of Robbers, do. with Camp, Museum, Vienna ; do. with Ruins, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. Engerth, Belved. Gal., ii. 263. MEHEMET H., portrait, Gentile Bellini, Sir A. H. Layard, London ; canvas, dated 1480. The Sultan, turbaned and bearded, with a fur cape about his shoulders. Paint- ed by Gentile on his visit to Constantinople in 1479-80. Belonged to Gioviano Muse- 233