Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/285

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MENEZES MENEZES, Dom LUIS DE MIRANDA- PEREIRA, Visconde tie, born at Oporto in 1820. History, genre, and portrait paint- er, pupil in Rome of Overbeck and Ferd. Cavalleri ; attained to great reputation, es- pecially in bis native country. Member of Lisbon Academy. Medal in Oporto in 1865. Chamberlain, president of bank of credit, attache of Portuguese embassy in Rome, knight and commander of several orders. Works : Old Village Musician ; Praying Monk ; Christ at Emmaus ; Old Beggar ; Death of Marco Bozzaris ; Chestnut Sel- ler ; Calabrese Shepherd, Lisbon Academy ; Blind Soldier ; Young Shepherdess from the Abruzzi ; St. Peter of Alcantara ; St. Peter the Apostle ; Halt before Tavern ; Salvator Rosa among the Robbers. Miiller, 3G4. MENGELBERG, EGIDIUS, born in Co- logne, April 8, 1770, died there, October 2G, 1849. Portrait painter, pupil of Diis- seldorf Academy ; copied the most famous pictures of the Diisseldorf Gallery and paint- ed portraits in Cologne and Coblentz in 1790 -1800 ; lived at Elberfeld in 1800-G, and settled in Cologne in 1821. Works : Por- traits of Kleber, Bernadotte, Archbishop Ferdinand August ; Portrait of Wallraf, Co- logne Museum. Allgem. d. Biogr., xxi. 347 ; Merlo, 285. MENGELBERG, OTTO, born at Diissel- dorf in 1817. History and portrait painter, son of Egidius, pupil of Diisseldorf Acad- emy under Karl Sohn and Schadow ; visited Munich in 1842, then painted portraits in Cologne until 1847, when he visited Paris, and settled in Diisseldorf in 1848. Works: Death of Moses (1836), Judith (1837), Arch- angel Michael (1838), Apostle Church, Co- logne ; Loreley (1839), Emperor Henry IV. (1840), Romer, Frankfort ; Ecce Homo (1847) ; Prodigal Son (1848) ; Pray First ! (1860) ; Resurrection and Four Evangelists (1862) ; Disciples at Emmaus (1866) ; Walk of Jesus to Jerusalem (1876) ; Peter's Peni- tence ; Melanchthou ; Christ at Gethsernaue. Merlo, 185 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 582 ; Muller, 364 ; W. Midler, Diiaseldf. K, 40. MENGS, ANTON RAPHAEL, born at Aussig, Bohemia, May 12, 1728, died in Rome, June 29, 1779. German school ; history and portrait painter, son and pupil of Ismael Mengs, a distinguished miniature and enamel paint- er, who early caused him to study the great masters in Dresden and afterwards in Rome, where the King of Po- land, Augustus III., permitted him to con- tinue his studies in 1741-44, and again in 1740-49 ; he was made court-painter at the age of twenty-three, and removed to Rome in 1751, stopping at Venice for five months. He was an eclectic who, living at a time of extreme degradation in art, excited great admiration by his skill in composition and his knowledge of technical processes, but, as he had little originality or warmth of feeling, his works have not stood the test of time. Cardinal Albaui and Pope Clem- ent XIV. employed him to paint for them at Rome, and Charles HL of Spain called him to Madrid in 17G1, where as court- painter he received a high salary. His writings on painting and painters contain many refined observations and valuable no- tices of remarkable pictures. Works : Ado- ration of the Shepherds, Magdalen, St. Peter, sixteen portraits, Madrid Museum ; Clem- ent XHL, Brera Gallery, Milan ; do., Bo- logna Gallery ; Portrait of himself, Uffizi, Florence ; Christ, Stuttgart Museum ; St. Joseph incited to Flight by Angel, Madon- na, Annunciation, St. Peter Enthroned, two portraits, Museum, Vienna ; Cleopatra and Augustus, St. Erasmus, Czernin Gallery, ib.; Nativity, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib.; do., and St. Christopher carrying the Infant Christ, Head of Christ, do. of Magdalen, Harrach Gallery, ib. ; Angel appearing to Joseph,