Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/294

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MESZOLY MESZOLY, GKZA VON, born in Hun- gary ; contemporary. Landscape painter, studied in Munich. Medal, Munich, 1883. Works : Fishermen's Huts on Flatten Lake, Pesth Museum ; Twilight on Flatten Lake, Banks of do., do. with Fowls (1883) ; Water- Carrier on Banks of the Theiss (1885). Miiller, 367. METELLI (Mitelli), AGOSTINO, born in Bologna, March 10, 100',), died in Mad- rid, Aug. 2, 1GOO. Bologuese school ; pu- pil of the Carracci and of Falcetta the architect ; became the collaborator of Co- hiiii ia, and after executing many works with him in Bologna, Rome, and other cities, ac- companied him in 1059 to Spain, where he died. Malvasia, ii. 345 ; Lanzi, iii. 137 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecolc bolonaise ; Siret, 594. METTENLEITER, JOHANN JAKOB, born at Grosskuchen, Wiirtemberg, Aug. 9, 1750, died in St. Petersburg in 1825. His- tory and portrait painter, pupil at Schwa- bisch Gmiind of Urban, and in Mannheim of Brand, then worked in Speyer ; went to Holland, and thence, as a soldier, to the Cape of Good Hope, where he earned by portrait painting enough to buy himself off; returned to Amsterdam ; went in 1775 for one year to Italy, and then to Munich, where he copied especially after Mieris and Don ; settled in 1778 at Augsburg, whence he went again to Amsterdam, then to Vi- enna, and, in 1780, to St. Petersburg. Works : Resurrection (1785), Augsburg Ca- thedral ; two genre scenes with portraits of Obwexer Family ; two scenes from Gotz von Berlichingen. Allgem. d. Biogr., xxi. 524. METRODORUS, Greek painter and phi- losopher, of Athens, 2d century B.C. Prob- ably identical with writer on architecture of same name. When L. ^Emilius Paulus asked the Athenians (108 B.C.) to send him a tutor for his children and a painter to celebrate his triumph, Metrodorus was se- lected as uniting both qualifications in his own person. Pliny, xxv. [135]. METSU, GABRIEL, born in Leyden in 1030, died in Amsterdam, buried Oct. 24, 1607. Dutch school ; genre and portrait painter, son of and probably first instructed by Jacob Metsu (a Fleming, who had settled in Holland); then pupil of, or at least influenced by, Gerard Dou, and afterwards ' by Rembrandt ; /'"" entered the guild of Leyden in 1048, but left his native place in 1650, and settled in Amsterdam, where he mar- ried in 1058, and took the freedom of that city in 1659. This distinguished master shows in his style the influence of Terburg and Dou ; in refinement of drawing and picturesque composition no painter of small I subjects equalled him. In pictures of his earlier period a warm harmony of great clearness predominates ; in his later works the tone is cooler, finely balanced, occasion- ally somewhat spotty in effect. He painted chiefly scenes from the upper classes of so- ciety, yet he took pleasure in representing market scenes, huntsmen, cook-maids, and the like. He treated mythological and alle- gorical subjects exceptionally well. Works : Duet, Music Lesson, Drowsy Landlady, Na- tional Gallery, London ; Female Fruit Deal- er, Gentleman playing Violoncello, Girl drinking Champagne, Portrait of himself, Buckingham Palace, ib. ; Woman selling Herrings, Lady caressing Spaniel, Horse- man before a House, Bridgewater Gallery, ib. ; Sleeping Huntsman, Sir Richai'd Wal- lace, ib. ; Young Girl Drawing, Old Woman Reading, Lord Ashburtou, ib.; Dictating the Letter, Gentleman Writing, Lady read- ing a Letter, Mr. Hope, ib.; Intruder, Mr. Baring, ib.; Corset Bleu, Mr. Neeld, ib.; Corset Rouge, W. Long, ib. ; Dead Hen Suspended, Madrid Museum ; Woman taken in Adultery, Vegetable Market of Amster- dam, Lady and Officer, Music Lesson, Rev- eller, Apple Peeler, Chemist, Portrait of