Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/307

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MICIJIELI Fields ; Gathering the Flock ; Peasant Girl ; Misty Morning Rome ; Children at Foun- tain ; In the Fields, Devotees at Shrine of S. Pantaleone (1883) ; The Vow, National Gallery, Home. Miiller, 370 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xiv. 54. MICHIELI, ANDEEA. See Andrea Mi- chieli. MICHOLD, EDMUND, born in Cologne in 1818. Genre painter, studied in Cologne and Munich, afterwards lived alternately in Dilsseldorf and Cologne. Works : Tyroleso Family ; Musical Shoemaker ; Cobbler train- ing Bird ; Uucautious Tailor. MICON, painter and brass caster of Ath- ens, son of Phanoclms and fellow-worker at Athens of Polygnotus, 5th century B.C. Said by Pliny (xxxiii. 56 [100] ; xxxv. 25 [42]) to have been the first, with Polygnotus, to use yellow ochre (sil) and black made from burned grape-husks. Noted for his skill in painting horses. Among his works were the Battle of Theseus, and the Athenians with the Amazons, in the Pu:cile at Athens ; the same subject, on one of the walls of the Theseuin, and the Fight between the Cen- taurs and the Lapiths, on another wall of the same building ; and the Argonautic Ex- pedition, in the Temple of the Dioscuri. Paus, i. 18, 1 ; Brunn, i. 274. MICON, painter, called the younger by Pliny (xxxv. 35 [147]). He was the father of Timarcle. Brunn, ii. 300. MIEL (Meel), JAN, called Bioko, Jamioli, and Giovanni delle Vite, born near Antwerp or in Brussels (?) in 1599, died in Turin in 1G64. Flemish school ; history, genre, and landscape /' ^ 1> 'ZC James500 (talk) painter, said to / ,^<^> ^ ^^*s. ' be a pupil of Geeraard Zegers ; afterwards studied under Andrea Sacchi at Rome, then gave up his- torical style and painted genre after the manner of Pieter van Laar ; called to Turin in 1G58, as painter to the Duke of Savoy ; member of the Academy of S. Luca in 1048. His hunting-pieces are much esteemed ; figures true to nature and drawn with much spirit. Works : Mendicant, Neapolitan Bar- ber, Military Halt, Travellers Dining, and others, Louvre ; Travellers before Italian Inn, Rotterdam Museum ; Herdsman with Goats, do. with Cattle, Dresden Gallery ; See Harbour, Vienna Museum ; Skirmish near a Castle, Musee Rath, Geneva ; Prodi- gal Sou tending Swine, Kunsthalle, Ham- burg ; Venus with Bacchus and Ceres (1045), Moltke Collection, Copenhagen ; Mounte- bank, Peasants Dancing, Halt of Hunting Party, four others, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg ; Feeding of the Poor in Capuchin Monastery, Scene in Courtyard of Italian House, Schleissheim Gallery ; Dead Don- key, Stettin Museum ; Shepherd Boy and Dog, Czernin Gallery, Vienna ; Rustic Scene, Bergamo Gallery ; Landscape with Figures and Animals, Peasant Family Resting, Herds- man and Ox, Two Shepherds with Cow and Goats ('?), Artist's Portrait, Uffizi, Florence ; Incident of Stag-Hunt, The Meet, Interior of Sculptor's Studio, Portrait of Marie do Bourbon-Soissons, Turin Gallery ; Hunts- men Resting, Historical Society, New York; Ten pictures in Madrid Museum ; Seaport with Figures, National Gallery, Edinburgh. Allgem. d. Biogr., xxi. 712 ; Immerzeel, ii. 225 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 331 ; Kramm, iv. 1118 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Fetis, Artistes beiges a I'otrauger, i. 315 ; Mi- chiels, x. 290 ; Rooses (Reber), 408. MIELICH (Miielich), HANS, born at Munich in 1510, died there in 1573. Ger- man school ; history, portrait, and minia- ture painter, perhaps pupil of Sigmund Schnitzel- (court-painter in Munich about 1514-36), and influenced by Altdorfer ; ap- pears as a master as early as 1546, and after- wards became court-painter to Duke Albrecht V. of Bavaria. Seems to have visited Italy, to judge from an existing copy of Michel- angelo's Last Judgment ; excelled iu miu- 263