Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/335

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MONTFOOET Works : Hamlet of Cheue-Rogueux, Banks of the Indre (1875) ; September Morning near Brignoles, Environs of Loches (1876) ; Pond of ChOne-Perci-, The Seine at the Pond- National, Bercy (1877) ; Autumn Morning in Provence (1879) ; Coast of Saint-Waast- la-Hongue, Evening in Provence (1880) ; Evening in the Fields, On the Cliff (1881) ; In Provence, Port of Commerce at Tou- lon (1882) ; Transport-Ship leaving Toulon (1883), Luxembourg Museum ; Cemetery on Coast of Mediterranean (1883) ; Landing Place for Oranges at Toulon, Village of Six- fours (1884) ; Embarking of Troops at Tou- lon ; The Grande Route from Toulon to La Seyne (1885) ; On the Coast of Provence (1886). Bellier, ii. 115. MONTFOORT, ANTHONIS VAN, called Van Blockland, born at Montfoort about 1532-34, died at Utrecht in 1583. Dutch school ; history and portrait painter, pupil in Antwerp of Fraus Floris, whose style he imi- tated. Married at the age of nineteen, and settled at Delft. In 1572 he went to Italy j and studied works of the great masters ; on his return settled in Utrecht. His treatment of the nude is praiseworthy. His religious subjects are distinguished for simplicity of feeling. Works: Diana and Acfcvon (1573), Vienna Museum ; Adoration of Shepherds, Berlin Museum. -- Immerzeel, ii. 237 ; Kramm, iv. 1144 ; Nagler, Mon., i. 02. MONTFOET, ANTOINE ALPHONSE, born in Paris, April 3, 1802. Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Horace Vemet, of Gros, and the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Medals : 3d class, 1837, 1863. Works : Pi- rates in Greek Archipelago (1837) ; View of Nazareth (1844) ; Return to the Tribe, Arab Women around Cistern, Village of Nazareth Syria (1855); Arab Camp (1859); Start for Falcon Chase (1863) ; Syrian Far- rier, Street of Latakia (1876); Arab Camp in the Desert (1878) ; Enrolment in Syria, 1838 (1881). Bellier, ii. 115. MONVEL; LOUIS MAURICE BOUTET DE, born at Orleans, France ; contempora- ry. Figure painter, pupil of Cabanel, Jules Lefebvre, Boulanger, and Carolus-Duran. Medals: 3d class, 1878; 2d class, 1880. Works : Marguerite and Martha at Church (1874), Orleans Museum ; Toilet of Truth (1877); Good Samaritan (1878); Lesson be- fore the Sabbath, On the High Plateaus in Algeria (1880); Return from Market in Ka- bylia (1882); On the Strand (1885) ; Sun- effect in Algeria (1886). MONVOISIN, RAYMOND AUGUSTE QUINSAC, born at Bordeaux, Aug. 3, 1794, died at Boulogne-sur-Sdne, April 1, 1870. History painter, pupil of Gm'rin ; won the grand prix de Rome in 1822. He founded a school of art in Valparaiso, where he lived sixteen years. Medals : 1st class, 1831, 1837. He married Domenica Festa (born 1805, in Rome), a skilful miniature painter. Works : Christ healing the Possessed (1819), Bordeaux Museum ; Orestes and Pylades (1822) ; River Scamauder (1824) ; Telema- chus and Eucharis (1827); Shipwreck (1827); Birth of the Virgin (1830), Notre Dame de Lorette ; Exaltation of Sixtus V. (1831), Luxembourg Museum ; Ali-Pasha and Vasil- iki, Blanche de Beaulieu, Louis XIV. and Mile, de la ValluTe (1833); Jeanne LaFolle (1834), Amiens Museum ; Death of Charles IX. (1835), Montpellier Museum ; Battle of Denaiu (1837); Session of the 9th Thermi- dor (1838) ; Christ on the Cross, Death of the Poet Gilbert (1839), Nancy Museum ; Christ surrounded by Angels ; Paraguayan Man and Wife ; Cacique of theAraucanians ; Captive Chilian Woman among Araucanian Indians (1859); Women Bathing ; The Cor- dilleras, Resignation (1863) ; Travelling in the Cordilleras, Souvenir of the Cordilleras (1864); Creation of Man ; John Huss ; Joan of Arc at the Fountain ; Joan of Arc wound- ed ; Joan of Arc at the Stake ; Christ ap- pearing to his Apostles ; Groups of Spirits receiving Spiritual Communications ; Por- traits of five kings of France, of Conneta- 287