Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/338

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MORALES terly and careful execution, transparent and admirable colour. Works : Jeanne cl'Archel (1561), National Gallery, London ; Female Portrait, Earl of Essex, Lord Yarborough's Collection, ib.; Two Portraits, JMr. Neeld's Collection, ib ; Male Portrait, Dwarf of Charles V., Louvre ; Male Portrait (1564), Hague Museum ; Portrait of Hubert Golt- zius (1576), do. of Duke of Alva, Male Por- trait, Brussels Museum ; Philip II, Eleanor of France, Mary of Portugal, Catherine of Portugal, Mary of England, Anna of Bohe- mia, and seven others, Madrid Museum ; Portrait of himself, Basle Museum ; Bast Portraits of Two Prebendaries (1544), Male Portrait, Berlin Museum ; Four Portraits, Cassel Gallery ; Two Male Portraits, Dres- den Gallery ; Cardinal Granvella (1549), Young Man, Lady with Gold Chain (1575), Male and Female Portrait, Young Man with a Scar (1564), Archduchess Margaret of Par- ma, Vienna Museum ; Male Portrait (1550), Portraits of Sir Thomas Gresham and Wife, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Portrait of Cam- inillo Gross, do. of himself, Um'zi, Florence ; others in Brunswick Gallery, Old Pinako- thek, Munich, Liechtenstein and Czernin Galleries, Vienna. Allgem. d. Biog., xxii. 210; L'Art (1881), i. 347; Immerzeel, ii. 241 ; Kramm, iv. 1156 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 252 ; Ch. Blanc, Kcole hollandaise ; Michi- els, vi. 255 ; Pinchart, Messager (1868), 324 ; Riegel, Beitriige, i. 67, 117 ; ii. 161, 163 ; Rooses (Reber), 71 ; Van den Brandon, 275 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, iv. 212. MORALES, LUIS DE, called El Divino (The Divine), born at Badajoz about 1509, died there in 1586. Spanish school ; stud- ied probably in Toledo or Valladolid, and passed his life in painting devotional sub- jects for churches and oratories. His works, which are all on panel, show careful draw- ing, correct anatomy, and fine gradations of demi-tints, and his heads are finished with the fastidious care of the early Florentine masters. Works : Mater Dolorosa, Madonna, Ecce Homo, Presentation, Head of Christ, Christian Allegory, Madrid Museum ; Ma- donna (1546), Christ bearing Cross, Church de la Coneepciou, Badajoz ; Virgin and Dead Christ, Montpensier Gallery, Seville ; Christ bearing Cross, Louvre ; do., and Mary with St. John, Basle Museum ; Ecce Homo, Dres- den Gallery ; do., Suermondt Museum, Aix- la-Chapelle ; do., Stuttgart Museum ; do., Historical Society, New York ; Mater Dolo- rosa, Madonna, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Stirling, i. 224 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole espa- gnole ; Madrazo, 459. MORAN, EDWARD, born in Bolton, Lancashire, England, Aug. 19, 1829. Ma- rine and figure paint- er and etcher, pupil of M. de Paris in Bol- tou, of James Hamil- ton and Paul W T eber in Philadelphia in 1844 (in which year he came to America with his parents), and of the Royal Academy, London, in 1862 ; returned to the United States in 1869 ; painted in Paris in 1877-78. Elected an A.N.A. in 1873 ; member of the Pennsylva- nia Academy. Studio in New York. Works : Bay of New York ; Launch of the Life-Boat, M. Read, Philadelphia ; Outward Bound, C. Sharpless, ib. ; Bottom of the Sea ; In the Narrows (1873) ; Liberty enlightening the World ; Last from the Wreck ; Arrival of the Relief-ShipHavre; Engagement between Merrimack and Cumberland, Mrs. Joseph Harrison, Philadelphia ; Old Fort Dumpling Newport, George L. Thayer, 290