Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/340

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MOIiAZZONE and tlio fellow-pupil of Francesco Moroue, when Francesco was the partner of his father. Vasari thinks that had he lived he would have acquired great celebrity. While his pictures show the influence of the Mo- roni, they have an individual stamp ; and he may justly claim to have infused new life into the Veronese school, especially by his novel system of colouring. His latest altar- piece, the Madonna in Glory with Saints, dated 1522, is in the Verona Gallery, where are also his Christ bearing his Cross, St. Thomas, and St. Roch. His Madonna, in the National Gallery, London, painted about 1520, recalls the madonnas of Raphael. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 498 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., ix. 171, 199; Bernasconi, Studii, 274; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Mai., ii. 580. MOIIAZZONE, IL, Cavaliere, born at Morazzone in 1571, died at Piacenza in 1620. Lombard school ; real name Pier- fraucesco Maz/.uchelli ; after spending sever- al years in Rome, studied works of the mas- ters in Venice and greatly improved his style. Executed important works in Milan, especially in S. Antonio Abate ; was en- gaged in painting cupola of cathedral in Piaceuza when he died. Works : His own Portrait, Uffizi, Florence ; Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Brera, Milan ; Death of Virginia, Tallin, fainting on the Dead Body of her Father, Turin Gallery ; Death of Lu- cretia, Madrid Museum ; Madonna, Hermit- age, St. Petersburg. Lauzi, ii. 518 ; Ch. Blanc, Kcole milanaise. MOREAU, ADRIEN, born at Troyes (Aube), April 18, 1843. Genre painter, pu- pil of Pils. Paints spirited and humorous subjects with taste and skill. Medal, 2d class, 1876. Works: "Then shall this Prophet go " (1868, Kings xiii.) ; Walk, End of Masked Ball (1874) ; Jolly Crew (1875) ; Wedding in Middle Ages, Repose at Farm (1876) ; Gypsies, Under Shrubbery (1877) ; Gypsies of Granada, Minuet (1878); Playing the Tragedy of Mirame before Richelieu, Silver Wedding (1870), Reichard, New York; Halt, Centennial (1880); Gypsies, March

Past (1881); Returning from Festival (1882);

' Lords running at the Ring (1883) ; Even- ing, The Ferry (1884); Mowers (1885); Duchesse de Longueville at Dieppe insti- gating the Population against royal Author- ADRJ EN.AOFEAU. 18/5: ity, In the Spring (1886). La Ilustracion (1879), ii. 211; (1880), i. 27; ii. 66; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xix. 259. MOREAU, GUSTAVE, born in Paris, April 6, 1826. History painter, pupil of Picot. At first endeavoured to follow the style of De- lacroix and Chasseri- au, then went to Rome, where he studied the old masters, and be- came a skilful painter of antique subjects. Medals : 1864, 1805, and 1809 ; 2d class, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1875. Works : Flight of Darius after Bat- tle of Arbela (1853); Scene from Song of Solomon (1853), Dijon Museum ; Minotaur in Labyrinth of Crete (1855); CEdipus and the Sphinx (1864); Jason and Medea, Young Man in the Presence of Death (1865); Dio- med eaten by his Horses (1866) ; Orpheus (1807), Luxembourg Museum ; Prometheus, Jupiter, and Europa .(18(59) ; Hercules and the Lernian Hydra, Salome (1876) The Swimming-Lesson ; Jacob and the Angel ; David ; Exposure of Moses ; Phaeton ; Ga- latea, Helen (1880). L'Art (1878), ii. 288, 319 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1869), i. 493 ; Ch. Blanc, Artistes d. m. T., 468 ; Claretie, Peintres (1874), 113; Les Lettres et les Arts, i. 58 ; Meyer, Gesch., 607 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., ii. 40. MOREAU DE TOURS, GEORGES, born at Ivry-sur-Seine, contemporary. Figure painter, pupil of Cabanel. Medal, 2d class, 1879. Works : Potiphar's Wife (1873) ; Death of Cleopatra (1874) ; Dido in Hell (1876) ; Son of Civilis killing Roman Pris- | oners, Fute at the Regent's (1877) ; Pelias