Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/349

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MOSES combined with the grace of Raphael. Paint- ed in 1513-14. Engraved by G. Audran. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 346 ; Miintz, 370 ; Pas- savant, ii. 130. MOSES AND CROWN OF PHARAOH, Nicolas Pouasin, Louvre ; canvas, H. 3 ft. x 4 ft. 2 in. In a hall of his palace, Pharaoh half reclining on a couch, and the young Moses, standing, with the king's crown under his feet ; at left, Thermutis, seated with four of her women, one of whom shields Moses with her arms, while another holds points towards the child in a basket, which a man has just taken from the river and is handing to a woman kneeling ; at left, the Nile personified as an old man ; in back- ground, a pyramid, a bridge, a city, and mountains. Painted about 1648 ; Collec- tion of Louis XIV. Engraved by J. Mari- ette (1092), Van Somer, H. Laurent (182(5). -Filhol, iii. PI. 1G9 ; Landon. By Nicolas Pousxin, Louvre, Paris ; can- vas, H. 4 ft. x ft. 4 in. Ten figures. Upon the bank of the river, Thermutis, sustained Moses and the Crown of Pharaoh, Nicolas Poussin, Lou the arm of a priest who is about to strike the child with a poniard. Collection of Louis XIV. Engraved by E. Baudot ; J. Bouilliard. Replica, with changes, Duke of Bedford ; engraved by Dambrun. Cat. Louvre ; Musee franyais ; Filhol, v. PI. 307 ; Landon, vi. PL 49 ; Waagen, Treas- ures, ii. 284 ; Smith, viii. 10, 11. MOSES, FINDING OF, Nicolas Poussin, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 9 in. x 3 ft. 11 in. Seven figures. Thermutis, daugh- ter of Pharaoh, standing on the bank of the Nile between two of her women, on the shoulder of one of whom she is leaning ; by a young girl behind her, is accompanied by six women ; at right, two women stand- ing, and one kneeling near the basket con- taining the little Moses ; at left, two others kneeling and one stooping ; in foreground, right, allegorical figure of the Nile ; in background, a city with pyramids, and on the river a boat with men, two of whom are about to spear a hippopotamus. Collection of Louis XTV. Engraved by G. Rousselet ; F. Gamier, Audran. Landon. By Velasquez (?), Castle Howard, Yorkshire, England ; H. 8 ft. x 10 ft. Infant Moses, in a basket, presented by a kneeling maiden 3W1