Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/352

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MOSES causing water to flow from the rock in the presence of many people in foreground ; above, the Supreme Being, the lower part of his figure veiled in a kind of watery sphere ; in background, the battle with Amalek in front of the tents of Israel. One of the most remarkable pieces of colour in the Scuola. Painted in 157G. Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 343 ; Ridolfi, Marav., ii. 197. MOSES AND THE HOD OF AARON, Nicolas 1'ousfin, Louvre ; canvas, H. 3 ft. x the staff of Harper's Weekly during the last two years of the Civil War, at the close of which lie went to Paris, and studied un- der Ernest Hebert. On his return to the United States he exhibited his Lost Cause, which was well received. In 1874 he re- turned to Europe and worked under Piloty six months, winning a medal at the Royal Academy. He went thence to Paris, where he has since remained, with the exception of a brief visit to the United States in 1885, when he exhibited a collection of his works. /,-{ K ' ' y^?j4$><- ^ l i A ^Y .i' .' . _^^ffX-i ; , -V^A -. ,xVS?^^ >,*-~T < ' Moses Striking the Rock, Nicolas Poussin, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. 4 ft. 2 in. In a hall hung with drapery, at left, Pharaoh, seated, with two old men be- hind him ; beyond, a young man with the sacred ibis, another with a vase ; before him, a magician whose rod, turned into a serpent, is being swallowed by Aaron's rod ; at right, Moses, Aaron, and other persons. Collection of Louis XPV. Engraved by F. de Poilly ; Gantrel ; Niquet. Cat. Louvre ; Filhol, x. PI. 079 ; Landon, CEuvres ; Smith, viii. 13. MOSLER, HENRY, born in Cincinnati ; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil in Cin- cinnati of James H. Beard : was attached to Has exhibited at the Paris Salon since 1878. Medal, International Exhibition, Nice, 1884; honourable mention, Paris. Works : Early Cares, Quadroon Girl (1878) ; The Return (1879), Luxembourg Museum ; Les femmes et les secrets (1879); Purchase of the Wed- ding Gown (1880), Edmond Turquet, Paris; Spinning Girl (1880), Grenoble Gallery ; Night after Battle, Return of the Fisher- women (1881) ; Discussing the Marriage Contract (1882), J. S. Barnes, New York ; Wedding Morning (1883), Sydney Museum; Spinning Girl Sunday (1883) ; Rainy Day 304