Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/358

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MULLER ing Bishop Ronnov against the Citizens of Copenhagen (1838) ; Luther at Worms, Church of Holy Ghost, Copenhagen ; Christ and the Disciples at Emmaus (1839) ; Pres- entation in Temple (1841); Christ and Four Evangelists, Thonvaldsen Museum, Copen- hagen ; Magdalen at Feet of Christ ; Return of Prodigal Son (1843), Copenhagen Gallery. Weilbach, 495. MULLER, ANDREAS, born at Stephaus- Retteuberg, Bavaria, in 1830. History painter, pupil in Munich of Schwind ; in 185G accompanied the Duke of Saxe-Mein- ingen to Rome, and in 1875 became profes- sor at Munich Academy. In artists' circles called Composition-Mailer. Works : Apo- theosis of Meiuingen Princess (185C) ; De- struction of the Kaaba in Jerusalem by Mo- hammed. Wedding of Alexander the Great, Maximilianeum, Munich ; Entry of Elector Maximilian Joseph IV.; King Maximilian I. rescuing Glazier's Apprentice in 1801 ; Ma- donna with Angels ; Susanna ; Four Ages of the World. Frescos : Raising of Lazarus, Crucifixion, Holy Women at Sepulchre, Res- urrection, Church at Weissenhoru, near Augsburg. Grosse, 09, 109 ; D. Kunstbl. (1857), 2G4, 295 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1881), i. '272 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 309 ; xix. 731 ; Miiller, 381 ; Nagler, Mon., i. 3 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, v. 24. MULLER, ANDREAS (JOHAXN JA- KOB HEINRICH), born in Cassel, Feb. 9, 1811. History painter, son and pupil of Franz Hubert Miiller, who was inspector of the Darmstadt Gallery, then pupil in Munich of Sclmorr and Cornelius, and in Diisseldorf of Karl Solm and Schadow. Went to Italy in 1837, and on his return in 1842 painted some of the frescos in the Apollinaris Church at Remagen, and afterwards, assisted by his son Franz, decorated the art-room in the Castle of Sigmaringen. Is a master in re- storing old paintings, and has written on art. Was professor at Diisseldorf Academy, and conservator of art-collections in Diisseldorf, but has been an invalid since 1882. Mem- ber of Vienna, Amsterdam, and Lisbon Academies ; numerous orders and medals. Works : Madonna with Saints ; Annuncia- tion, Four Evangelists ; Scenes from Passion; Rosary Picture ; St. Barbara, Breslau Cathe- dral. Frescos : Scenes from Life of St. Apollinaris, David, St. Cecilia, Remagen ; twenty-six portraits of German Masters, Castle Sigmaringen. Jordan (1885), ii. 156 ; Miiller, 381 ; Wolfg. Miiller, Dusseldorf. K., 48. MULLER, AUGUST, born at Rottwell, Wiirtemberg, June 13, 183G. Genre paint- er, pupil of Stuttgart Art-School under Rus- tige, won several prizes and in 1865 settled in Munich. Works : Sunday Afternoon in Suabia ; Nursery ; Convalescent Mother ; Domestic Troubles ; Suitor ; At Home ; In the Bower ; Zur Kirchweih. Miiller, 382. MULLER, CHARLES (LOUIS), called Miiller of Paris, born in Paris, Dee. 22, 1815. History and portrait painter, pupil of Cogniet, Gros, and the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Paints historical scenes with skill. Medals : 3d class, 1838 ; 2d class, 1846 ; 1st class, 1848, 1855 ; L. of Honour, 1849 ; Of- ficer, 1859 ; Member Institute, 18G4. Works: Day after the Nativity (1837); Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew (1838) ; Assassination of Arthur of Brittany, Diog- enes, St. Jerome (1839) ; Satan leading Christ up into the Mountain, Massacre of Innocents (1840) ; Heliogabalus in Rome (1841) ; Combat of Centaurs and Lapiths (1853) ; Christ's Entry into Jerusalem (1844) ; Primavera (184G) ; Haydee (1848), Lille Museum ; Lady Macbeth (1849), Amiens Museum ; JtoW-Call of Last Vic- tims of Reign of Terror (1850), formerly in Luxembourg Museum ; replica, J. J. Astor, New York ; Female Portrait (1853, Ghent Museum ; Proscription of Young Irish Catholics in 1556 (1859), Lyons Mu- seum ; Mother of Napoleon (1861) ; Mane Antoinette at the Trianon, Mass during Reign of Terror (1863) ; The Game (1863), Lille Museum ; Desdemona (1868) ; Lanjui- nais at the Tribune (1869); Charlotte Corday in Prison (1875), Corcoran Gallery, Wash- si o