Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/363

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MUNOZ SEBASTIAN, born at Naval- carnero in 1654, died in Madrid in 1690. Spanish school ; history painter, pupil of Claudio Coello, then in Borne of Carlo Ma- ratti ; on his return to Spain in 1684 assist- ed Coello in painting frescos at Saragossa, then painted in Madrid at the Alcazar, and was appointed court-painter in 1G88. While employed in restoring the frescos of Her- rera in Church of Atocha, he was killed by falling from the scaffolding. Works : Cu- pid and Psyche, Portrait of Queen Maria Luisa (1686) ; Eight Pictures on Life of St. Eloy (1688), S. Salvador, Madrid ; St. Au- gustine conjuring the Locust Plague, Burial of Count de Orgaz, Artist's portrait, Madrid Museum. Fresco : Angelica and Medoro, Alcazar, Madrid. Stirling, 1041. MUNOZ-DEGRAIN, Don ANTONIO; contemporary. Genre painter. Medal, 1st class, Madrid. Works : Othello and Dos- demona (1881); Don Quixote and Windmill, Souvenir of Granada, Madrid Museum ; In- undation Scene, View in Venice (1883) ; The Lovers of Teruel (1884). La Ilustra- cion (1881), i. 391 ; ii. 73 ; (1882), i. 251 ; (1884), i. 382 ; ii. 2, 24. MUNSCH, JOSEPH, born at Liuz, Upper Austria ; contemporary. History painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Philipp Foltz. Works : Publication of Death War- j rant of Couradin of Suabia and Frederic of Baden ; Rudolf von Hapsburg beside Body of Ottokar of Bohemia ; A Chord (Jubilee Exhib., Berlin, 1886). Wurzbach, xix. 461. MUNSCH, LEOPOLD, born in Vienna in 1826. Landscape, genre, and interior painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Joh. Nep. Geiger. His landscapes, mostly enriched with castles, ruins, and other archi- tecture, are truthful copies of nature. Works : Wood near Weidlingen ; Castle Yard at Tau- fers, Tyrol ; Avenue in Schonbrunn Park ; Alpine Village ; Schludems in Tyrol ; Room in Schleissheim Castle ; Before Serenissimo ; Oak Wood (Munich Exhibition, 1883). Di- oskuren, 1867 ; Muller, 386 ; Wurzbach, xix. 461. MUNSTER, PEACE OF, Gerard Terburg, National Gallery, London ; copper, H. 1 ft. 5 in. x 1 ft. 10 in.; signed, dated 1648. As- semblage in the Rathhaus, Miiuster, May 15, 1648, for ratification of treaty between the Dutch United Provinces and Spain. A clerk is reading the oath of ratification, while Barthold van Gent, for the Provinces, and the Count of Pefiaranda, for Spain, hold copies of the paper. One of the most won- derful assemblages of minute portraits ever painted in oil, containing about thirty fig- ures. Passed from painter's family, late in last century, to Van Leyden Gallery ; thence to Prince Talleyrand, to Buchanan (1817), to Due de Berri, and in 1837 to Prince De- midoff, at whose sale (18G8) it was bought by Marquis of Hertford for 7,280 ; pre- sented by Sir Richard Wallace in 1871. Art Journal (1871), 294 ; (1872), 28 ; Cat. Nat. Gal. MUNSTERHJELM, (MAGNUS) HJAL- MAR, born at Tunlois, Finland, in 1841. Landscape painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Acad- emy under Oswald Achenbach, and Gude, with whom he moved to Caiisruhe in 18(55 ; has visited Switzerland, the Rhine, Bavaria, and the north of Europe. Works : Finnish Landscape ; Crawfishing in the North ; View on Fraueuchicm Lake ; Village Street in Snow ; Moonlight Night in Finland ; W T ater- falls of Wallink. Miiller, 386. MUNTHE, LUDVIG, born at Aaroeu, near Bergen, Norway, March 11, 1841. Landscape painter, self-taught in Diissel- dorf, whither he went in 1861 ; has visited Belgium, Holland, France, Scandinavia, and Italy. He paints chiefly autumn and winter scenes. Gold medal, Berlin, 1872 ; London, 1876 ; Paris, 1st class, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1878 ; Order of Leopold, 1875 ; Member of Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam Academies ; Swedish court-painter, 1875. Works: Winter Scene (1869), do. (1878), Autumn Landscape (1882), Christiania Gal- lery ; Winter Landscape (1870), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; do. (1871), Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Potato Harvest ; Cows in the 315