Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/365

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MURILLO younger, accomplished his design Jan. 1, 1660. On the death of Philip IV., his suc- cessor, Charles II., named Murillo his court- painter, and in vain endeavoured to induce him to take up his residence at Madrid. He continued to work at Seville until his death in 1682, which resulted from the effects of a fall from a scaffolding, upon which he had mounted to paint the upper part of a picture of the Marriage of St. Catherine, for the Church of the Capuchin Friars at Cadiz. Works : Holy Family del Pajarito, Ilebekah and Eliezer, Annunciation (2), Magdalen, St. Jerome (2), Adoration of Sliepherds, St. Au- gustine, St. Francis of Assisi, Madonna, St. James, Christ the Good Shepherd, St. John Baptist, Christ and St. John, Vision of St. Bernard, St. Ildefonso, Madonna del Rosario, Conversion of St. Paul, Education of the Vir- gin, Christ Crucified (2), San Fernando, Con- ception (4), Martyrdom of St. Andrew, Prodi- gal Sou (4), Jesus sleeping upon the Cross, Head of John Baptist, do. of St. Paul, St. Francis de Paul (3), Ecce Homo, Mater Do- lorosa, and others, Madrid Museum ; St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Diego blessing Soup, St. Francis, Adoration of Shepherds, Magdalen, Roman Senator's Dream, Roman Senator relating do., Academia S. Fer- nando, Madrid ; Madonna de la Serville- ta, St. Felix of Cantilicio, Conception (4), St. Joseph and Infant Christ, SS. Leandro and Bonaveutura, St. Thomas of Villauueva, St. Francis of Assisi, Madonna and St. Fe- lix, St. Anthony of Padua and Jesus (2), SS. Justa and Rufina, Annunciation, St. John Baptist, Madonna, St. Augustine (2), Se- ville Museum ; Conception, St. Isidoro, St. Leandro, St. Anthony of Padua and Jesus, Guardian Angel, Baptism of Christ, Seville Cathedral ; Moses striking the Rock, Miracle of Loaves and Fishes, Juan de Dios, St. John and Lamb, Infant Christ, Annuncia- tion, Hospital of La Caridad, Seville ; Ma- donna, Montpensier Collection, Seville ; Last Supper, S. M. laBlanca, Seville; Conception, S. Felipe Neri, Cadiz ; Marriage of St. Cath- erine, St. Francis receiving the Stigmata, I Conception, Capuchin Church, ib.; Ecce Homo, Cadiz Museum ; St. Joseph and In- fant Christ, Valladolid Museum ; Conception (3), Birth of Virgin, Madonna of the Ro- 1 sary, Holy Family, Christ in the Garden, Christ at the Column, Miracle of St. Di- etjo, Peasant Boy, Louvre, Paris ; St. Diego of Alcala, Due de Pozzo di Borgo, ib.; Flight into Egypt, Duchesse de Galliera, ib. ; Portrait of Murillo, Baron Seillicre, ib. ; St. Francis of Assisi, Don Sebastian Collec- tion, Pan ; Baptism of Christ, Due de Mont- pensier ; L'hrift the Good Shepherd, Comte de Greffuhlc, Paris ; Holy Family, Peasant Boy, St. John and the Lamb, National Gal- lery, London ; Madonna del Rosario, Flower Girl, Peasant Boys, Dul vich Gallery ; Adora- tion of Shepherds, Annunciation, Assump- tion, Joseph and his Brethren, Holy Family, Madonna (4), Marriage of Mary and Joseph, St. Thomas of Villanueva, Sir Richard Wal- lace, Hertford House, London ; Abraham and Angels, St. Anthony of Padua and In- fant Jesus, Prodigal Son, Nativity, St. Jtts/a, and others, Stafford House, ib. ; Prodigal Son (G), Dudley House, ib. ; St. John vitli the Lamb, Jacob and Labau, Infant Christ sleeping, Grosvenor House, ib.; St. Tliomas of Villanueva, Conception, Assumption, Holy Family, Shepherd Boy, Earl of Northbrook, ib. ; St. Thomas of Villanueva, Conception, Ecce Homo, Madonna, Lord Ashburton, ib. ; Conception, Virgin Kneeling, and others, Marquis of Lansdowne, ib. ; Isaac blessing Jacob, St. Francis of Assisi, Saint with Palm, Apsley House, ib. ; Madonna of the Apple, Sir Win. Eden, ib.; Madonna, Duke of Bed- ford, ib. ; Madonna (2), Lord Overstone, ib. ; Fish Girl, Lady Cranstouu, ib.; Assumption, Alfred Fletcher, Liverpool ; Conception, Will- iam C. Cartwright, Ayuhoe, Northampton- shire ; St. Francis de Paul, George Perkins, Kent ; St. Francis Xavier, J. S. W. Earle- Drax, Kent ; Holy Family, Madonna, Adora- tion of Magi, Duke of Rutland, Belvoir Castle ; Jacob with Flocks of Laban, Sir John Hardy, Dunstall Hall, Staffordshire; St. Joseph and Infant Christ, Mrs. L. Stephens,