Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/370

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MITTIANO MUTIANO. See Muziano. MUTIUS SCJEVOLA, Charles Is.brun, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 2 in. x 4 ft. 4 in. Mutius, sworn to kill King Porsenna, ally of Tarquin, slays his secretary instead by mistake ; seized by the guards and brought before Porsenna, he burns his right hand in a brazier to show the king that no threats can intimidate him. Por- senna, admiring his courage, gave him his liberty and made pence with the Romans. Loreley, Gretchen (1851) ; Origin of the Munich Schiiffler Dance (1856). In fresco : Emperor Ludwig acquiring Mark Branden- burg, Battle of Ampfing, National Museum, Munich. Allgem. d. Biog., xxiii. 116 ; Nag- ler, Mon., iv. 4G9. MUYDEN, ALFEED VAN, born at Lau- sanne, Switzerland, in 1818. Genre painter at Geneva ; studied in Munich and Paris, then lived for several years in Kome. De- picts family life of the Roman middle class m m ' 3 1 ' ^^1^,-vOrk;" <JMm& ' ' . a / ^ ; ' > I ' - . ' ( Mutius Sca^vola, Charles Lebrun, Louvre, Paris, Mutius was thenceforth called Scnovola (left- handed. Livy, ii. 12, i:i). Painted in Rome about 1043. Engraved by Chataigner. Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Landon, Musee, xii. PL 49 ; Filhol, x. PI. 063. MUTTENTHALER, ANTON (Tony), born at Hochstiidt, May 10, 1820, died at Leipsic, March 21, 1870. History and genre painter, pupil in Munich of Kaulbach ; ex- celled as an illustrator, and in 1860 went to Leipsic as artistic director of the Illustrirte Zeitung. Works : Raphael painting the Fornarina (1843) ; Dance of Elves (1850) ; with natural grace and pleasing colouring. Order of Leopold, 1866. Works : Woman of the Abruzzi nursing her Child (1850), Ghent Museum ; Italian Mother with Suck- ling Asleep (1859), Roman Market Scene (1861), Basle Museum ; Pifferari, Musc'e Rath, Geneva ; Refectory at Albano ; Monks play- ing Chess ; Happy Family ; Father Confes- sor ; Mowers returning Home ; Thrashing of Grain in the Campagna. MUYS, NICOLAAS, born at Rotterdam in 1740, died there in 1808. Interior and landscape painter, pupil of his father Wil- 322