Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/375

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NAPOLEON Ou the third clay of the Coronation fetes, Dec. 5, 1804, Napoleon distributed the ea- gles and flags of the empire to the army and the National Guard, from the portico of the ficole militaire in the Champ-de-Mars, the fayade of which was decorated to rep- resent a grand tribune. Painted in 1810. Engraved by Frilley. Gal. de Versailles, iv. No. 745 ; Moniteur, Dec. G, 1804. NAPOLEON IN 1814, Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier, late Defoer Collection, Paris ; wood, H. 12^ in. x 9]- in. The Emperor, in gray overcoat, buckskin breeches, and white Napoleon crossing the Alps, Louis David, Versailles Museum. waistcoat, wearing his star and orders, on a white Arab charger, looking sternly across the battlefield ; near by, two mounted officers of his staff await orders. Painted in 1862 for Prince Napoleon Jerome for 15,000 francs ; passed to M. Durand Ruel, Paris, who sold it in 1868 to Mr. AVallis of London ; bought by John Ruskin (1868) for 1,000 guineas ; sold at Christie's, June 3, 1882, for 5,800 guineas to Mr. Wallis, who bought it for M. Defoer ; at his sale (1880), 128,000 francs. London Times (1882), June 5, 8, 10. NAPOLEON AT FONTAINEBLEAU, Paul Ddarwhi', Leipsic Museum ; canvas. Seated, his dress a little in disorder and his small-clothes soiled. Painted in 1845. Sold originally for 12,000 francs to Mr. Schletter, Berlin. Engraved by A. Francois. NAPOLEON AT "ST. HELENA, Paul Delarochi', Osborue House, Isle of Wight ; canvas, H. 1 ft. 2 in. x 10 in. Seated at the extremity of a rock which occupies Ihe whole height of the picture, whence some- times called the Eock of St. Helena. Paint- ed in 1852. Sold for 1,650 francs. En- graved by C. W. Sharpe. Art Journal (I860), 360. NAPOLEON IN HIS STUDY, Paul Dda- ruchc, Countess of Sandwich ; canvas. Seat- ed, dressed in small-clothes. Salon, 1837. Engraved by Aristide Louis. NAPOLEON HI. AT SOLFERLNO, Jean Louis Ernest Mai-wonier, Luxembourg Mu- seum, Paris ; wood, H. 1 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 6 in. The Emperor, mounted, accompanied by his staff, inspects from a height the field of battle ; behind him, groups of officers on horseback awaiting orders ; at right, in foreground, a battery of cannon, and on a neighboring hill troops marching. Salon, 1864. Gaz. des B. Arts (1864), xvi. 521 ; Laroussc, xi. 833. NAPOLETANO, FILIPPO. See An<jdi, Filippo d'. NARCISSUS AND ECHO, Claude Lor- rain, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 1 in. x3 ft. 11 in. Narcissus, observed only by the disconsolate Echo and another nymph, admires his image in a transparent pool, the banks of which are surrounded by rocks and lofty trees. Painted in 1644 ; Liber vcritatis, No. 77. From Delmu Col- lection ; presented by Sir G. Beaumont in 1826. Engraved by Vivaivs (1743), and by Cooke in National Gallery. Waagen, Treas- ures, i. 340 ; Cat. Nat. Gal. ; Pattison, Claude Lorrain, 228. NAS LI HANUM, Princess, born in Tur- key about 1857. Flower painter, daughter of Mustapha Fasyl Pasha ; received a thor- 327