Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/380

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MAVARRETE King of the Phseacians and friend of Ulysses (Odyssey, vi. 10, etc.), playing at ball with her maidens on a green sward near the sea- shore. Companion to Alalanla'a Eace, and with it forming two of four subjects of sim- ilar size and shape executed by Mr. Poyntcr for Lord Wharncliffe. NAVARRETE, JUAN FERNANDEZ, called El Mudo (The Dumb), born at Logro- fio about 152G, died in Toledo, March 28, 1579. Spanish school. When three years old be- came deaf from illness and never learned to speak. Studied the rudiments of art in the Convent of La Estrella, then went to Italy and became a disciple of Titian. After an absence of twen- ty years returned with a great reputation, was made painter to the king in 15(58, and executed nineteen religious works in the Es- eorial, where they still remain. Other works: Baptism of Christ, St. Peter, St. Paul, Ma- drid Museum ; St. John in Prison, Hermit- age, St. Petersburg ; Holy Family, Weimar Museum ; Lady's Portrait, Darmstadt Mu- seum. Viardot, Peintrcs do 1'Espagne, 37 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole cspagnole ; Madrazo, 490 ; Washburn, 51. NAVEZ, FRANCOIS JOSEPH, born at Charleroi, Nov. 1 C, 1787, died in Brus- sels, Oct. 12, 18G9. History, genre, and portrait painter, pu- pil of Isidore Fran- <;ois, and of Brussels Academy, where he hud won all the prizes, when, in 1813, ho went to Paris to study under David, whom he followed into exile. In 1817-22 he was in Rome, and in 1839 became director of the Brussels Acad- emy. Order of Lion, 1825 ; Order of Leo- pold, 183G ; Bavarian Order of Michael, 1851 ; Officer, 1855 ; Commander, 1859 ; Member of Paris, Hague, Amsterdam, Ant- werp, Ghent, and Bruges Academies. Works : Virgil reading to Augustus and Oc- tavia the Sixth Book of the ^neid (1811), The Nymph Salmacis and Hermaphroditus (1829), Ghent Museum ; Hagar in the Des- ert ; Elijah raising the Child of the Shunam- ite Woman (1821), Meeting of Rebekah and Isaac (182G), Museum, Amsterdam ; Hagar in the Desert, Museum Fodor, ib. ; Hermit ; Fortune-Teller among Italian Robbers ; In- credulity of Thomas ; Marriage of the Vir- gin ; Holj' Family ; Episode from Massacre of Innocents ; St. Cecilia ; Athalia and Joash (1834) ; Education of the Virgin ; Infant Christ Asleep ; Christ and the Adulteress ; Vert- Vert's arrival at Nantes (1836); Nathan admonishing David (1839); Raising of Laz- arus (1842) ; Sick Child (1844), National Gallery, Berlin ; Spinning Women of Fondi (1845), New Piuakothek, Munich; Holy Family (1851), Artist's portrait, Antwerp Museum ; Ju d g- ment of Solomon ; Christ and the Rich Man. Cotta's Kunstbl. (183G), 13G ; (1837), 174 ; D. Kunstbl. (1851), 393 ; (1855), 360 ; Immerzeel, ii. 255 ; Kramm, iv. 1189 ; Na- gler, x. 152 ; Raczynski, iii. 439. NAVLET, VICTOR, born at Cluilons-sur- Marne, died in Paris, Feb. 25, 1886: Land- scape and interior painter, pupil of his father. Medal, 1867. Works : View of Paris (1852), do. (1853), Versailles Museum ; Interior of Notre-Dame de Paris (1857) ; Cour Napoleon (1859), New Louvre, Paris ; Sleeping Chamber of Louis XTV. at Ver- sailles, Interior of La Madeleine in Paris (1863) ; Galerie d'Apollon in the Louvre (1864) ; Galerie de Henri II. at Fontaine- bleau (18G5), Forum Romanum (1869), Cha- lons-sur-Marne Museum ; Interior in the Vatican (18G7), Bordeaux Museum ; do. (1868, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1878) ; Sis- tine Chapel in Rome (1870) ; Room in Mu- 332