Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/385

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NELLI (1873), Ki'migsberg Museum ; Orpheus and Euryclice (1876) ; Four Scenes from the Odyssey ; On the Scene of the Deed, Tired of Life (Jubilee Exhibition, Berlin, 1886). Fresco : Astronomy and Natural Science (1868), Ki'migsberg University. Illustr. Zeitg. (1880), ii. 345 ; Midler, 390 ; Kunst- Chrouik, ix. 11. NELU, OTTAVIANO, born at Gubbio, died after 1444. TJmbrian school ; sou and pupil of Martinet Nelli ; employed at Peru- gia in 1400, and elected consul at Gubbio, 1410. He is best known by the so-called Madonna del Belvedere, in S. M. Nuova, Gubbio. The Virgin of Succour, a wall painting of Madonna with Saints and An- gels, and the choir frescos, Legend of St. Augustiu (about 1420), S. Agostiuo, Gub- bio, are by Nelli and his scholars. His fel- low-pupil, Gentile da Fabriano, probably assisted him in these works, and in painting a fresco of the Virgin and Angels, in S. M. della Piaggiuola, near Gubbio. In 14120 he went to Urbiuo, and in 1424 painted the Legend of the Virgin, a mediocre work, in the Triuci Chapel, Foligno. His mural paintings in S. Piero, Gubbio, were de- stroyed in the last century. Nothing is known of Nelli after 1424. C. & C., Italy, iii. 87 ; Cibo, Niccolo Alunuo e la scuola Umbra, 20 ; Buoufatti, mem. storiche di Ottaviano Nelli (Gubbio, 1843) ; Burck- hardt, 555 ; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Malerei, i. 212. NELSON, DEATH OF, JOSEPH M. W. Turner, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 8 in. x 7 ft. 10 in. The battle of Tra- falgar, as seen from the mizzen starboard shrouds of the Victory. Nelson has just fallen, and has been carried down from the quarter-deck. British Institute, 1808 ; Tur- ner Collection. Engraved by J. B. Allen. Cat. Nat. Gal. NEMOZ, JEAN BAPTISTE AUGUSTIN, born at Thodure (Isere) ; contemporary. Figure and portrait painter, pupil of Picot and of Cabanel. Medal, 3d class, 1877. Works : Before the Crime (1864) ; Penelope (1866) ; Wisdom chasing Love (1867); Dur- ing Absence of Ulysses (1869) ; Vision of the Virgin (1870) ; Preparations for War (1873) ; Temptation (1874) ; A Chimera (1876) ; Theseus going to fight the Mino- taur (1877) ; Paradise Lost (1878) ; Salma- cis (1879) ; Badly Received (1880) ; After the Crime (1881) ; Amymoue, Eve (1882) ; Young Lady, Sappho (1883) ; Ariadne (1884) ; Nero before the Body of Agrippi- ua, Penelope (1885). NEOCLES. See Nealces. NEPTUNE AND AMPHIT1UTE, Robcn*, Berlin Museum ; canvas, H. 9 ft. 6 in. x 10 ft. Neptune, his trident in his hand, seated in his chariot, attended by tritons, nereids, and animals emblematical of his power and sovereignty ; by his side stands Amphitrite, taking pearls from a shell held by a triton, while a cupid adorns her wrists with pearls. Painted about 1609-12 ; acquired in 1881 from Schr.nborn Collection, Vienna. En- graved by Schmuzer. Smith, ii. 302 ; Mey- er, Museen, 388. NEPTUNE AND PALLAS, Garofalo, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 11 in. x4 ft. 6 in. Neptune is a portrait of Andrea Doria. Painted about 1512. From Mode- na Collection. NERENZ, WILHELM, born in Berlin, Aug. 10, 1804, died there, Oct. 23, 1871. Genre painter, pupil in Berlin of W. Seha- dow, under whom also he studied for three years at the Diisseldorf Academy (1833-36); returned to Berlin, whence he visited Dres- den and Italy in 1847. Works : Goldsmith's Daughter ; Return of Youth from Foreign Parts ; Kiithchen von Heilbronn ; At the Armourers (1840), Nation- al Gallery, Ber- liu. Cotta's Kunstbl. (1835), 87, 158; (1847), 100; D. Kunstbl. (1855), 200; (1857), 113 ; Nagler, x. 185. NERI DI BICCI. See Bicci, Neri di. NERLY, FEDERIGO, born at Erfurt, Nov. 24, 1807, died in Venice, Oct. 21, 1878. Real name Friedrich von Nehrlich. 337