Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/409

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OER Olives ; Leibnitz submitting to Queen So- phie Charlotte the Plan for Academy of Sci- ences ; Christ Crucified. Mttller, 400. OER, THEOBALD VON, Baron, born at Nottbeck, near Sternberg, Westphalia, Oct. 9, 1807, died in Dresden, Jan. 30, 1885. History and genre painter, pupil in Dres- den, 182G-31, of Matthiii, then in 1832-36 of Dtlsseldorf Academy under Schadow. Having travelled in Belgium, France, Swit- zerland, Italy, and Algiers, he settled in Dresden in 1839 and became professor and honorary member of the Academy. Works : Hans Sachs ; Death of St. Elizabeth (1835); Dying Bedouin ; Algerian Jewess ; Camoens and his Negro ; Italian Girl (1838), Lucas Cranach consoling Elector John Frederic in his Captivity at Innsbruck (1848), Leipsic Museum ; Albert Diirer visiting Bellini in Venice (1853), Dresden Museum ; Maria Theresa at the Coffin of her Husband ; Death of Tasso, Frederic the Great in Rheinsberg, The Neapolitan Woman ; First Beading of Schiller's Bobbers (1845) ; Pul- pit Candidate before the Old Dessauer ; Young Officer reading aloud the Sorrows of Werther ; Weimar's Golden Age ; Winck- elmann as Librarian of Count von Biinau, Leibnitz before Queen Sophie Charlotte (1875). MOller, 399; Wiegmann, 154; Kunst-Chronik, xx. 315. OESEB, ADAM FRIEDBICH, born at Pressburg, Hungary, Feb. 18, 1717, died in Dresden, March 18, 1799. German school ; history painter, pupil of Vienna Academy and of Raphael Donner, with whom he is said to have visited Italy ; won the grand prize at the age of nineteen ; went in 1739 to Dresden, and in 1749 decorated Castle Hu- bertsburg ; lived for some time at Dahlen, painting for Count von Biinau, and in 1763 became director of the Leipsic Academy, professor at the Dresden Academy, and court painter. Works : Abraham's Sacrifice (1835) ; Noah and his Son ; The Good Sa- maritan ; Disciples at Emmaus ; Isaac and Esau ; Witch of Endor ; Artist's Children (1766), Dresden Gallery ; Solomon adoring Idols, Christ healing the Sick, Young Wom- an distributing Fruit, Allegory, Marriage at Cana, Leipsic Museum ; Painter's Studio, Weimar Museum. Fresco paintings in St. Nicholas, Leipsic. Diirr, A. Fr. Oeser (Leipsic, 1879) ; Huber, ii. 140 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 553 ; Larousse, xi. 1260 ; Wurz- bach, xxi. 16 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xxi. 140, 286. OESTERLEY, KARL (WILHELM FRIEDRICH), the elder, born at GOttingen, June 22, 1805. History and portrait paint- er, pupil of the Dresden Academy under Friedrich Matthiii ; went in 1827 to Italy, where he studied the works of Fra Angelico, Giotto, Masaccio, and Perugino ; returned to Gi'ittingen in 1829, studied in Diisseldorf under Schadow in 1835-38, and after the frescos of Cornelius at Munich in 1838, vis- ited Paris in 1842, Diisseldorf in 1844, and became court painter at Hanover in 1845. | With Ottfried Mttller he published the well- known work, " Monuments of Antique Art." Works : GiJtz von Beiiichingen imprisoned and nursed by his Wife (1826) ; Departure of Tobias (1829) ; Wittekind converted to 1 Christianity by Ludgerus (1833) ; Moses in ! Prayer between Hur and Aaron, Jephthah's Daughter (1835) ; Ruth, Naomi, and Orpah, Christ presenting to his Disciples a Child as Example (1836) ; Leonore (1839) ; Christ blessing the Children (1841) ; Christ and Ahasuerus (1844) ; Beatrice and Dante at the Gate of Paradise (1845) ; Moses behold- ing the Promised Land (1846) ; Leonore with her Mother (1847) ; St. Christopher, Samuel consecrated to the Service in the Temple (1849) ; Come ye that are Heavy Laden (1851) ; Christ Crucified (1852) ; The Two Brides (1855) ; Sleeping Beauty awak- ened by the Prince (1862) ; Memling nursed by Nuns (1866), Provinzial Museum, Han- over ; Adoration of the Magi, Gypsies Rest- ing (1867) ; Portraits of King Ernst August of Hanover, of Professor Gervinus, and I many others. In fresco : Ascension (1838), ' Royal Chapel, Hanover. Andresen, iii. 168; ! Foi-ster, v. 529 ; Wiegmann, 186. 361