Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/412

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OLIVIER OLIVIER, MICHEL EARTH LEMY, born at Marseilles in 1712, died in Paris, June 15, 1784. French school ; history, genre, and landscape painter, member of ' Academy of St. Luke, and court-painter to the Prince de Conti ; lived for several years in Spain, where he left many pictures. Works : Massacre of the Innocents (1767) ; Death of Cleopatra (17G9) ; Telemachus and Mentor conducted to Acestes (1777) ; Fete given by Prince de Conti to Prince of Brunswick, Stag-Hunt near Chateau de 1'Ile- Adam, Little Mozart playing before Court of Prince de Conti, Supper in the Temple, Versailles Museum. Bellier, ii. 176. OLIVIER, (WOLDEMAR) FRIEDRICH VON, born at Dessau, April 23, 1701, died there, Sept. 5, 1859. History and landscape painter, brother and pupil of Ferdinand, with whom he went to Vienna in 1811 ; hav- ing joined Liitzow's Volunteer-corps in the campaign of 1813-14, he went in 1815 from Vienna to the Netherlands and England, and in 1818 to Rome, where he studied under Cornelius and Overbeck. After his return to Vienna in 1824 he painted portraits un- til 1829, when he sought a wider sphere in Munich, and there painted some of the fres- cos in the Konigsbau. Works: Noah's Family entering the Ark (1818) ; Christ with the Tribute Money (1821), Naumburg Cathedral ; House Altar with five Scenes re- ferring to Nativity (1830); Marriage at Cana, Visitation of Mary (1832); two Italian Laud- scapes with Scriptural Subjects, Basle Mu- seum. Nagler, x. 342. OLMENDORF (Olmdorf), HANS VON, flourished 1460-1518 as court painter to Dukes Sigmund and Albrecht IV. of Ba- varia. German school ; his works show a decided tendency to idealize, deviating from the then prevailing realism. Works: Pas- sion of Christ, Altai-piece at Altenittting (1507-18); Triptych with Crucifixion (1492), National Museum, Munich ; Triptych with Trinity, Baptism of Christ, and Coronation of Mary (1491), Chapel at Blutenburg, near Munich ; Portrait of Duke Sigmund of Ba- varia, Schleissheim Gallery. Forster, ii. 250 ; Marggraff, Miinchen m. sein. Kunst- schiitzen, 76 ; Schnaase, viii. 465 ; Sighart, 570. OLYMPIAS, painter, of whom Pliny only knew that she was the instructor of Auto- bulus. Pliny, xxxv. 40 [147] ; Brunn, ii. 300. OMMEGANCK, BALTHAZAR PAU- WEL, born in Antwerp, Dec. 26, 1755, died there, Jan. 18, 1826. Ani- mal and landscape painter, pupil of H. J. Antonissen ; painted especially sheep. Rector of Guild of St. Luke, Antwerp, in 1789, and professor in Academy in 1796. He was one of the envoys sent to Paris to procure the restitution of pictures taken by Napoleon. Works : Landscapes with Cattle (2), Louvre ; do., and Crossing a Ford, Antwerp Museum ; Sunset, Sunrise, Baron- ess Diert, Antwerp ; Scene in the Ardennes, Brussels Museum ; View in West Flanders, Museum, Amsterdam ; Landscapes with Sheep (3), Museum Fodor, ib. ; do. (4), Rotterdam Museum ; do. (1), Hague Muse- um ; Landscape and Shepherds, Leuchten- berg Gallery, St. Petersburg ; Landscape with Sheep and Goat, Stadel Gallery, Frank- fort ; Landscape with Hunter and Fisher- men, Cassel Gallery ; do. with Cattle, Bruns- wick Gallery ; do., Leipsic Museum ; Flemish Pasture, New York Museum ; Landscape with Sheep (2), Historical Society, New York ; do. (1), August Belmont, ib. His sister, Maria Jacoba, painted landscapes in %qa#tf. /C his manner. Ch. Blanc, ficole flamande ; Cat. du Mus. d'Anvers (1874), 262 ; Immer-