Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/417

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ORDINAIRE topher Sly (1865) ; Story of a Life (1866) ; Talbot and Countess of Auvergne (1867) ; Prince Henry with Poins and Falstaff (1868); Salutation, Duke's Ante-Chamber (1869) ; Hundred Years Ago (1871) ; Casus Belli, Forest Pet (1872) ; The Protector, Cinder- elk (1873) ; Ophelia, Hamlet, and the King (1874) ; Too Good to be True (1875); Flot- sam and Jetsam, Bill of Sale (1876) ; Jessica, Queen of the Swords (1877) ; A Social Eddy, Autumn (1878) ; Hard Hit (1879) ; Young Housewife, Napoleon on Board H. M. S. Bellerophon (1880) ; Housekeeping in the Honeymoon (1882) ; Voltaire (1883) ; Ma- riage de Convenance (1881) ; Scotch Lassie, J. W. Bates, Philadelphia; Salon of Ma- dame Mecamier (1885) ; Mariago de Conve- nance After! (1886). Academy (1886), i. 350; Art Journal (1870), 233"; (1884), 188 ; (1885), 52 ; Portfolio (1878), 177. ORDINAIEE, MARCEL, born at Mai- sieres (Doubs) ; contemporary. Landscape painter, pupil of Courbet and of Francais. Medal, 3d class, 1879. Works: Seligthal Brook (1868) ; Brook near Maisieres (1870) ; Under the Willows, ib. (1875) ; Ravine of Puits-Noir (1875) ; Brook of Puits-Noir, Winter at Maisicres (1879) ; In Ravine of Puits-Noir (1882) ; Whirlpool of Roches- Noires at Cluron (1884). ORDONNANCE, L' (The Orderly), Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier, William H. Vau- derbilt, New York. A hussar has brought a sealed letter to an officer of dragoons who, interrupted in smoking his pipe, stands with his back to the fire reading it, while another hussar in red, seated in centre, watches his countenance. Claretie (1874), 16 ; Gazette des Beaux Arts (1867), xxiii. 322. ORESTES, pictures. See Thewlorus, Theon, Timomachus. ORGAGNA. See Orcagna. ORIGINAL SIN. See Adam and Eve. ORIZONTE. See Bloemen, Jan Franz van. ORLANDI, BIODATO, of Lucca, close of 13th century. A Crucifixion by him, now


in the magazines of the palace of Parma, is dated 1288. He painted as late as 1301, the date of a Madonna by him, in five arched compartments, now in the Pisa Gallery. Diodato made no improvement on debased Christian art. C. & C., Italy, i. 160. ORLANDO MUERTO. See Varnn; Dead. ORLEY, BERNAERT (Barend), VAN, also called Ba- rend van Brussel, born in Brussels about 1491-92, died there, Jan. 6,1542. Flemish school ; history painter, probably pupil of his fa- therValentyn van Orley ; w cut to Rome after 1509 (before 1515, in which year he is settled in Brussels), and became a suc- cessful imitator of, and possibly was even instructed by, Raphael. In 1520 he was appointed court-painter to Margaret of Aus- tria, governor of the Netherlands, and then to her successor, Mary of Hungary (1524- 35). Albrecht Diirer was entertained at his house in Brussels, in 1520, and painted his portrait. His early pictures show good com- position and elevated sentiment, but his later style is somewhat mannered and ex- 1 aggerated, though always careful in exe- cution and brilliant in colouring. Works : Magdalen Reading, National Gallery, Lon- don ; Holy Family, Liverpool Institution ; Family praying to St. Christopher, Ladies in Prayer, Madrid Museum ; Christ on the Cross, Turin Gallery ; Marriage of the Vir- gin, Louvre ; Altai-piece with History of Job (1521), Pieta, Holy Family, Episodes in Life of the Virgin, Portrait of Guillaume de Norman (1519), do. of Physician, Brussels Museum ; Magdalen at the Saviour's Feet, Christ bearing the Cross, Church of the Saviour, Bruges ; Infant Christ, Adoration of the Magi, Madonna, Female portrait,