Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/423

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OSTENDORFER Academy. Ch. Blanc, Ecole hollandaise ; Bode, Studien, 207 ; Dolime, lii. ; Gower, Figure Painters, 45, 103 ; Immerzeel, ii. 288 ; Kramm, iv. 1234 ; Van der Willigen, 233 ; Zeitscbr. f. b. K., vii. 351. OSTENDORFEE, MARTIN, first half of 16th century. German school ; court paint- er to Duke William IV. of Bavaria. Works : Portraits of Duke William IV. and his Wife Maria Jacobiia. D. Kunstbl. (1850), 31C ; Nagler, x. 411. OSTENDORFER, MICHAEL, born in Suabia about 1490, lived in Ratisbon, 1519- 59. German school ; history and landscape painter of little individuality. Formed himself after Altdorfer. Works : Altar- piece (1553), Portrait (1523), Ratisbon Mu- seum ; Representation from the Apocalypse, Old Piuakothek, Munich ; Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew, do. of St. Andrew, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Christ on the Cross (1552), Portraits of Duke Albert V. of Ba- varia (1543), and of Palatine Philip, Cruci- fixion, Schleissheim Gallery ; Judith, Co- logne Museum ; Taking of Christ, Pieta, Execution of Brothers Ewald, Bathsheba, Altarpiece, formerly in Kriiuner-Miiller Gal- lery, Ratisbon. Keaue, Early Masters, 173 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 269; Nagler, x. 413 ; Nied- ermayer, 270 ; Schuegraf, Lebeusgeschicht- liche Nachrichten ilber den Maler M. O. (Ratisbou, 1849) ; Sighart, 587, 589 ; W. & W., ii. 417 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., iv. 191, 193. OSTER, MICHAEL, born in Strasburg in 1807. History painter, self-taught ; his compositions distinguished for deep relig- ious feeling and purity of form. Works : Madonna with Saints, Episcopal Seminary, Strasburg. Frescos : Archangel Michael and the Fallen Angels, Scenes from Passion of Christ, Souft'elweyersheim, Alsace. OSTERROHT, GUSTAV, born at Sten- sitz, West Prussia, in 1830. Landscape painter, pupil in Carlsruhe of J. W. Schir- mer, visited the Baltic Coast, the Black Forest, Bavarian Alps, and Tyrol. Works : View in Baden Black Forest ; Landscape from Inn Valley ; Graveyard Chapel ; For- est Stream, and others, mostly in the Art Union Galleries of Carlsruhe, Hanover, Cas- sel, and Munich. Miiller, 402. OSTER WALD, GEORG, born at Riuteln, Weser Valley, Jan. 26, 1803, died at Co- logne, July 1, 1884. Architecture, land- scape, genre, and history painter, pupil in Munich (1822-25) of Gartner, studied from nature in Switzerland and North Italy, then in Paris, 18150-32, lived for some years in Hanover, studied the Dresden Gallery in 1841, and settled in Cologne, where he bc- [ came professor; visited Italy in 1854-59 and , Scandinavia in 1864. Works : Bamberg ! Cathedral, Castle Ruin at Heidelberg (1834); Market Square at Lemgo (1837), Cassel Gallery ; Faust in his Study (1836) ; City Hall of Cologne (1842) ; Jeremiah pre- dicting Birth of Christ, Honour to Music ! (1843) ; Henry the Lion (1844) ; Cologne 1 Cathedral (1846) ; Siena Cathedral (1855), View of Rome, Cologne Museum. Kunst- Chronik, xix. 643 ; Merlo, 309 ; Miiller, 402. OTINO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA D'. See Ci ma da Conegliano. OTT, JOHANN NEPOMUK, born in | Munich in 1804, died there in 1870. Land- scape painter, pupil of Munich Academy and of Wilhelm von Kobell ; visited Italy in 1833. Works : Convent on Shore by Moon- light ; Convent of Taormiua in Sic- f~J ily; View in Upper Inn Valley; Alp Cf^'i'l near Gastein ; View of Castilani and I Gaeta (1835), New Piuakothek, Munich. D. Kunstbl. (1850), 386 ; (1854), 435 ; (1857), 61. . OTTER HUNT, Sir Edwin Landwcr, pri- vate gallery, England. The huntsman, hav- ing speared the otter, holds him on high while the dogs, twenty or more, howl fran- tically around him. Painted in 1844 for the Earl of Aberdeen ; at his sale, 2,375 guineas ; bought later by Baron Albert Grant for 10,000 guineas ; at his sale (1877), 5,932 10s., to Agnew, London ; IE. J. Colemau sale (1881), 3,097. Eu- 375