Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/445

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PARNASSUS ishing them, and he was thrown into prison by the authorities in 1537. Released on promise of completing the work, he fled to Casal Maggiore and soon died. His princi- pal works are : Madonna with St. Margaret, Bologna Gallery; Painter's Portrait, and Holy Family, Uflizi, Florence ; Madonna del Collo Lungo, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; St. Cath- arine and Infant Jesus, Palazzo Brignole sale, Genoa ; Annunciation, Ambrosian Li- of France, Cassel Gallery ; Madonna Hello, Rosa, two other Madonnas, Rape of Gany- mede, Dresden Gallery ; St. Catharine, Cu- pid carving Bow, Portrait of the Artist, Three Male Portraits, Vienna Museum. The four frescos of the Martyrdom of St. Agatha, St. George, St. Lucia, and St. Apol- lonia, and two Deacons, S. Giovanni, Parma, are perhaps Parmigiauino's masterpieces. Ch. Blanc, Ecole lombarde ; Vasari, ed. Mil., Parnassus, Andrea Mantegna, Louvre, Paris. brary, Milan ; Portrait of Amerigo Vespucci, Lucretia, Madonna, Male Portrait, Female Portrait, Portrait of Columbus (?), Naples Museum ; SS. Catharine and Angels, Ma- donna with Saints, Parma Gallery ; Mar- riage of St. Catharine, Palazzo Barberini, Rome ; S. Catharine, Palazzo Borghese, ib. ; Cupid, St. Barbara, Holy Family, Two Por- traits, Madrid Museum ; Holy Family, Ma- donna and St. Margaret, Louvre ; Vision of St. Jerome, National Gallery, London ; Mar- riage of St. Catharine, Portrait of Francis I. v. 217 ; Lanzi, ii. 402 ; Burckhardt, 701 ; Lavice, 10, 44 ; Affo, Vita (Parma, 1784). PARNASSUS, Andrea Mantegna, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 3 in. x 6ft. 3 in. Mars and Venus on a natural rock arch, with Cupid sending his darts into the cave of Vulcan ; the Muses dance to the sound of Apollo's lyre, and Mercury leans on Pegasus to listen. Painted after 1492, probably in co-operation with Bonsignori, but composition due to Mantegua alone. History same as that of Wisdom victorious over the Vices. C. & C.,