Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/448

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PARROCEL Cavalry, Amiens Museum. Bellier, ii. 207 ; Jsil, 941 ; Mt'moires im'dits, ii. 405 ; Le- jenne, i. 345 ; Larousse ; Villot, Cat. Lou- vre ; Ch. Blanc, ]5cole franchise. PARROCEL, JOSEPH, born at Bri- gnolles.Oct. 3, 1646, died in Paris, March 1, 1704. French school; history painter, son of Barthele- my, pupil of Ii i s eldest brother, Louis (1(534-1703), in Languedoc, and of Courtois in Home, where he was much influenced by Borgo- gnone. Spent eight years in Italy. Pro- duced some spirited, though often sketchy, battle-pieces, and painted a few religious pictures. Member of Academy, 1G76 ; coun- cillor, 1703. Works: Battle-Pieces (2), Louvre ; Louis XIV. repulsing a Sortie of the Maestricht Garrison (167G), Combat of Leuze, 1691, View of the Place Royale with Ambassador's Corti'ge, Versailles Museum ; Conquests of Louis XIV., Invalides, Paris ; St. John preaching in the Desert (1G74), Notre Dame, Paris ; Cavalry Combat, do. at Crossing of Bridge, Besan;on Museum; Bat- tle in Antiquity, Dijon Museum ; Halt of Horsemen, Lyons Museum ; Battle, Marseil- les Museum ; Monks healing the Sick, Nantes Museum ; others in Museums of Caen, Niort, and Tours ; Cavalry Skirmish, Uffizi, Flor- ence. Bellier, ii. 208 ; Jal, 941 ; Mcmoires iiu'dits, ii. 40 ; Ch. Blanc, l5cole franyaise ; Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Lejeune, Guide, i. 345. PARROCEL, JOSEPH IGNACE FRAN- COIS, born at Avignon, Dec. 3, 1704, died in Paris, Dec. 15, 1781. French school ; history and genre painter, son and pupil of Pierre. Member of Academy, and court- painter, 1753. Works : Baptism of St. John (1751), Saint-Sulpice, Paris ; Triumph of the Cross (1755) ; Assumption (1757, 1771) ; Hagar and the Angel (1759) ; Adora- tion of the Magi (17G1) ; Holy Trinity (17G3) ; Reconciliation between Cephalus and Procris, Death of Procris (1765) ; Christ on Mount of Olives (1767) ; Siege of Tour- nay, 1745 (2), Combat of Melle, 1745, Siege of Oudenarde, 1745, do. of Charleroi, 1746, do. of Namur, 1746, Versailles Museum. His eldest daughter, Mme. de Valsaureaux, painted animals and flowers ; the two others were also painters, one of flowers, and the other of miniatures. E. Parrocel, Mono- graphic des Parrocel (Paris, 1861) ; Bellier, ii. 208 ; Jal, 941 ; Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Le- jeune, Guide, i. 345 ; iii. 312 ; Larousse. PARROCEL, PIERRE, born in Avignon, March 10, 1G70, died in Paris in 1739. French school ; history painter and decora- tor, son of Louis, and pupil of his vincle, Jo- seph Parrocel, and of Carlo Maratti, at Rome. Subjects generally sacred. Member of Acad- emy, 1730. Works : Coronation of the Vir- gin, Captivity of Israelites, Sixteen Epi- sodes in Life of Tobias, Marseilles Museum ; Resurrection, Angers Museum ; Portrait of himself, Avignon Museum. His brother, Ignace Jacques (1GG7-1722), and the lat- ter's son, Etienne, were artists, but neither of great merit. Bellier, ii. 207, 209 ; La- rousse ; Lejeune, Guide, i. 345. PARROT, PHILIPPE, born at Excideuil (Dordogne) ; contemporary. Portrait and genre painter. A skilful artist of fair tal- ent. Medals : 1868, 1870 ; 2d class, 1872 ; 3d class, 1878. Works : An Elegy (1868) ; Sleep ; Judgment of Paris (1874) ; Spring- time (1880) ; An Asp (1883) ; The Foun- tain ; Galatea ; Before the Ball (1885). PARSONS, CHARLES, bom in England in 1821. Landscape painter, pupil of Na- tional Academy ; has lived and painted many years in New York. Elected an A.N.A. in I860 ; exhibits at the National Academy, though more frequently at the exhibitions of the Water Colour Society. Since 1862