Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/457

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PEACE 335 ; London Times, Jan. 29, 1884, 5 ; Re- ber-Pecht, iii. 293. PEACE, Sir Edwin Landseer, National Gal- lery, London ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 10 in. x 4 f t. 4 in. Coast scene, Dover harbour in distance ; goats and sheep browsing on cliff, a lamb lying with its head in the muzzle of a dis- mounted gun ; near them, three bare-headed children. Companion to War. Royal Acad- emy, 184C. Engraved by T.L. Atkinson; Lumb Stocks ; J. Cousen. Art Journal (1854), G5. monarch's court as envoy for Spain. It passed to the Doria Collection, Genoa, from which purchased by Mr. Irvine (1802) for 1,100 ; sold in same year for 3,000 to Marquis of Stafford, who presented it in 1827 to National Gallery. Engraved by J. Heath, "Vaagcn, Treasures, i. 349 ; Smith, ii. 1G1 ; Sainsbury, Orig. Papers, 147. PEACHUM, POLLY, Iloyarth, National Gallery, London ; canvas, oval, H. 2 ft. 5 in. x 1 ft. 11 in. Portrait of Miss Fentoii, Peace and War, Rubens, National Gallery, London. PEACE AND WAR, David Cox, private gallery, England. Harvest-field, with troops marching towards the town of Lancaster. Painted in 1846 ; belonged in 1870 to David Price ; Gillott sale (1872), 3,430 guineas. By Rubens, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. 9 in. Peace, a beautiful woman, nude, giving her breast to a child, is surrounded by Abundance, Wealth, and Happiness ; while Minerva, emblematical of Wisdom, repels Mars and the Harpies. Painted for Charles I. in 1630, when Rubens was residing at that , the original Polly Peachum in Gay's "Beg- gar's Opera," afterwards Duchess of Bolton. Figure life-size, seen to waist, in pale-green silk bodice with pearl necklace, and a lace cap. Leigh Court sale (1884), 800 guineas. PEALE, CHARLES WILSON, born in Chesterton, Md., April 16, 1741, died in Philadelphia, Feb. 22, 1827. Portrait paint- er, pupil of Copley in Boston, and in 1770- 74 of Benjamin West in London. On re- turning to America he practised his art in Maryland and Philadelphia, painting many of the celebrated men of his time. He is 407