Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/459

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PEASANT bows on the sill of a window, laughing as he looks out. Marquis of Lansdowne sale (1806), 115 10s. ; presented to National Gallery in 1826 by M. Zachary. Engraved by J. Kogers, W. Humphreys, W. H. Watt, W. Ward. Curtis, 27G ; Jones, Nat. Gal., PI. 75 ; Cunningham, Cabinet Gal., ii. 33. PEASANT GIRL, Marillo, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 9 in. x 2 ft. Half-length, standing, holding to her face with right hand the end of a scarf which covers her head ; in left hand, a basket of fruit ; on right, a wall. Companion to Peas- ant Boy (Hermitage), which see. Engraved by C. Weisbrod ; lithographed by V. Dollet. Curtis, 282 ; Armengaud, La llussie ; Art Journal, Oct., 18G ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1875), xi. 43 ; Scott, Murillo. PECHEUX, LAURENT, born at Lyons in 1721, died in Turin in 1821. Hislory painter, pupil of Mengs at Rome, where and in other Italian cities ho spent the greater part of his life. He finally became painter to the King of Sardinia and direc- tor of the school of painting at Turin. Member of the Turin Academy. Works : Frescos in the Casino of the Villa Borghese. Cotta's Kunstblatt (1821), 3GO. PECHMANN, HEINRICH VON, Barou, bora at Wiirzburg, March 10, 1826. Por- trait, genre, and history painter, pupil of Mu- nich Academy and of Philipp Foltz ; served as officer in the army in 1848-53 ; visited France in 1858 and Italy in 1863-64. Works : Four fresco paintings, National Museum, Madrid ; six do. at Staffelsee, Bavaria ; Al- tarpiece, Kupferberg, ib. ; Return from Bap- tism ; Jacob and Rachel at the Well ; Peas- ant Women near Florence ; many portraits. PECHT, AUGUST FRIEDRICH, born at Constance, Oct. 2, 1814. History, genre, and portrait painter, and illustrator, pupil of Munich Academy, then in Paris of Dela- roche ; lived alternately in Munich, Leipsic, and Dresden, painting chiefly portraits; vis- ited England in 1848, Italy in 1851-54, and settled in Munich. Distinguished as a writer on art. Court painter to Grand Duke of Baden. Medal : Vienna. Works : Hostess' Daughter ; Goethe reading his Faust Fragment at Court of Carlsruho, Carlsruhe Museum; Schiller's Reception after Performance of ' Robbers " at Mann- heim; Coiiquestof Ven- ice in 1849 ; Henry VHI. and Anna Boleyn at Cardinal Wolsey's, Schwerin Gallery ; Goethe's Introduction at Court of Weimar ; Characters from Schil- ler's Works, with A. von llamberg); Lessing, Goethe, and Shakespeare Galleries. In fresco : Statesmen and Generals (18G6-70), National Museum, Munich ; Scenes from RP I Local History, Town Hall, . /C(/lf Constance. Mtlller, 410; Dr. Vine. M filler, Mfinchen, 1G4 ; Prutz, D. Mus. (1859), 517 ; Laud und Meer (1874), ii. 92G. PECORI, DOMENICO, born at Arezzo about 1450. Florentine school ; pupil of Bartolommeo della Gatta, through whose medium Signorelli and Perugino are reflect- ed in his style. His Adoration of the Vir- gin is in the Sacristy of the Pieve, and his Virgin of Mercy in S. M. della Pieve, Areg- gio. C. fcC., Italy, iii. 43 ; Vasari, v. 51, 198. PEDIUS, QUINTUS, Roman painter, lat- ter part of 1st century B.C. He was grand- son of the Consul Q. Pedius, nephew of Ju- lius Csesar, and was brought up a painter because he had been born dumb. He died in youth, after making great progress in art. Pliny, xxxv. 7 [21]. PEDRINI, GIOVANNI, called sometimes Giampetrino, flourished in Milan about 1520 -50. Milanese school ; history painter, sup- posed pupil of Leonardo da Vinci, but prob- ably only an imitator. Works : Magdalen, Brera, Milan ; Madonna, S. Sepolcro, ib. ; do. (1521), San Marino, Pavia ; Magdalen Penitent, St. Catharine, Berlin Museum ; Madonna in a Landscape, Carlsruhe Gal- 4U'J