Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/480

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PETTEE Inn, Wandering Gypsies, Gypsies in the Puszta (1856) ; Hungarian Volunteers (18GO) ; Soldier sharing Bread with Children (1866); Vehicle with Wounded Soldiers ; Kissing Couple ; Gypsy lighting his Pipe ; A Ren- dezvous, Vienna Museum ; Hungarian Peas- ants' Halt in the Puszta, After the Duel, Museum Foclor, Amsterdam ; Ambulance Wagon, Hungarian Volunteers, W. H. Van- St. Petromlia, Guercino, Capitol Gallery, Rome. derbilt, New York ; Sunrise, T. A. Havc- meyer, ib. ; Market Scene in Hungary, J. ( H. Stebbins, ib. ; Market of Sznolnok, W. ' T. Walters, Baltimore. Allgem. K. C., viii. G02 ; Miiller, 414 ; Wurzbach, xxii. 134 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., viii. (Mittheilungen, i. GO). PETTER, ANTON, born in Vienna, April ' 2 (12 ?), 1781, died there, May 14, 1858. History painter, self-taught by copying in the Belvedere and Liechtenstein Galleries, Vienna ; won six prizes at the Academy, of which he became a member in 1814, profes- sor in 1820, and director in 1828. Visited Rome in 1808 ; honorary member of Milan, Venice, and Florence Academies. Works : Death of Meleager (1814) ; Alcibiades sur- prised by Socrates, Phsedra slandering Hippolytus, Lais surprised by Aristippus (1820) ; Maximilian I. meeting his First- born (1822, masterpiece); Joanna of Aragou (1824) ; Peter and Sapphira (1826) ; Wen- ceslaus of Bohemia begging for his Fath- er's Body (1828) ; Caius Gracchus (1832) ; King Ahasuerus condemning Hainan (1835); Junius Brutus swearing Vengeance (1843) ; Rudolph von Hapsburg weeping over the Body of Ottocar ; Maximilian meeting Ma- ria of Burgundy, Johanneum, Gratz. Cot- ta's Kunstbl. (1845), 219 ; Wurzbach, xxii. 135. PETTER, FRANZ XAVER, born in Vi- enna, Oct. 22, 1791, died there, May 11, 18GG. Flower painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Wegmaier, and afterwards professor. Works : Flowers in a Vase, Fruits and Parrot (1833), Vienna Museum ; many in private galleries and collections in Vienna. Wurzbach, xxii. 137. PETTIE, JOHN, born in Edinburgh in x 1839. History and genre / T^ painter, pupil of the Trus- L** 45? JW t ees ' Academy, Edinburgh ;

  • l exhibited in 1861 The Ar-

mourers at the Royal Acad- emy, and in 1862 removed to London ; elected an A. R.A. in 1867, and R.A. in 1874. Works: The Ar- mourers (1860); What d'ye lack, Madam? (1861); George Fox refusing to take the Oath at Holker Hall (1864), Drumhead Court Martial (1865) ; Arrested for Witchcraft (1866) ; The Doctor (1867) ; Pax Vobiscum, Tussle with a Highland Smuggler, Weary with Present Cares, The Rehearsal (1868); Disgrace of Wolsey, Gam- bler's Victim (1869) ; A Sally, Ely the May Day, Touchstone and Audrey (1870) ; Ped- ino