Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/484

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PHILIP of Northbrook, London ; Sir Richard Wal- lace, ib. ; Sir Pliilip Miles, Leigh Court ; Due de Montpensier, Seville ; Palazzo Pitti, Flor- ence ; Drawing iu Albertiua Collection, Vi- enna. Etched by F. Goya. Curtis, 44 ; Madrazo, (106. By Velasquez, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. 6 ft. (5 in. x 3 ft. 4 in. The King, full- length, in black dress and bare head, stand- ing ; in right hand, a folded paper ; his left on a table on which is his hat. Earliest known portrait by Velasquez ; painted about 1(523, soon after he went to Madrid. Cur- tis, 47 ; Madrazo, 612. By Velasquez, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. G ft. C in. x 3 ft, 8 in. Full- length, about thirty years old, standing three-quarters right, bare head, in black dress trimmed with silver, cloak on right shoulder, short breeches, white stockings, Order of Golden Fleece on breast ; right hand holds a folded letter, left on hilt of sword ; at left, his hat on a table ; behind, a curtain. Taken from Royal Palace, Ma- drid, by General Desollc, whose daughter sold it to Mr. Woodburn ; afterwards at Fouthill and Hamilton Castle, Lanark ; Duke of Hamilton sale (1882), 6,300. Identical with portrait in Vienna Museum, except that latter is only three-quarters length. Cur- tis, 51, 37!) ; Buchanan, i. 147 ; Stirling, iii. 1397 ; Waagen, iii. 297 ; L'Art, July 2, 1882 ; Art and Letters (1882), i. 326. By Velazquez, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 1 in. x 1 ft. 8 in. Bust, about fifty years old, in black silk habit, linen collar, and chain of Order of the Gold- en Fleece ; his long hair falls on his collar. Painted about 1G55 ; formerly belonged to Prince Demidoff ; purchased in 18G5 in Paris from M. Sano, with landscape by Ruys- dael, for .1,200. Copy by Carreno, Acade- mia S. Fernando, Madrid. This picture is the type or model of all the bust portraits of Philip IV. by Velasquez. Engraved by E. Rodrigues ; P. Perete ; P. Rajon ; and others. Curtis, 53 ; Portfolio (1874), 81 ; Wornum, Etchings from Nat. Gal. (London, 187G). By Velasquez, Uffizi, Florence ; canvas, H. 11 ft. 1 in. x 8 ft. 9 in. The King, in armour and wearing a sword, is mounted on a prauc- ing horse, holding a baton in his right hand over his horse's head ; behind him, two boy angels and a negro bearing a helmet ; in the air above, two female figures one with a cross and olive wreath, the other with a thunderbolt ; background, landscape and a building. Probably painted in 1G38 and sent to Florence to assist Tacca in model- ling the statue of the King (1640), now in front of Royal Palace, Madrid. Engraved by C. Mogalli. Curtis, 46. By Velasquez, Vienna Museum ; canvas, H. 4 ft. x 2 ft. 8 in. Identical with portrait in National Gallery, London, but only three- quarters length. Curtis, 52, 379. PHILIP PROSPER, Don, son of Pliilip IV. and Maria of Austria, Velasquez, Vienna Museum ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 2 in. x 3 ft. 3 in. About two years old, in a dark frock and white apron, standing, his right hand on back of an arm-chair, on which lies a small white dog. Called in catalogue Margarita Theresa. Painted in 1G59. Etched by W. Unger. Palomino, iii. 349 ; Curtis, 61. PHILIPPI, HEINRICH, born at Cleve in 1838, died in Diisseldorf, Sept. 18, 1874. History, genre, and animal painter, pupil of Diisseldorf and Munich Academies, then studied in Rome ; took part in the cam- paigns of 18G6 and 1870-71. Works : Thus- nelda iu Triumph of Germanicus ; Scene from Peasants' War ; Scenes from Roman and Pompeiau Life ; Letter and Picture from Son at Capital ; Ewes of High Breed. Blanckarts, 74. PHILIPPOTEAUX, HENRI EMMANU- EL FELIX, born in Paris, April 3, 1815, died there, Nov. 8, 1884. History and battle painter, pupil of Leon Cogniet. Medals : 2d class, 1837 ; 1st class, 1820 ; L. of Honour, 1846. Works : Rock of Ice (1833) ; Retreat from Moscow (1835), Palais de Trianon ; Capture of Ypres (1837), Siege of Antwerp in 1792 (1838), Battle of Stockach (1839) ;

Bayard on the Bridge of Garigliano (1840),