Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/491

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PIETA Immerzeel, ii. 309 ; Kramm, v. 1284 ; Quel- lenschriften, xiv. 258 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 521. PIETA, (pity, compassion), the lamenta- tion of the Virgin and the Holy Women over the deposed body of Christ. The in- cident is not mentioned in the Gospels, but is a late invention of art. By Giovanni Bellini, Brera, Milan ; wood, tempera, half-lengths, life-size. The dead body of Christ, sustained in a standing po- sition, behind a marble parapet, by the Vir- gin and St. John. Fine work of the mas- ter's early time ; formerly in Zampicri Col- lection, Bologna ; presented to Brera in 1811 by Eugene Beauhar- nais, then Viceroy of Italy.- C. & C., N. Italy, iii. 144 ; Meyer, Ktinst. Lex., iii. 414. By Correytjio, Parma Gallery, canvas. The body of Christ, after the descent from the cross, in the lap of Mary ; weeping Magdalen at the Saviour's feet, and other mourn- ers by his head ; Joseph of Arima- thea descending ladder, whence the picture is sometimes called Vierge de 1'Eohelle (of the Ladder). Paint- ed at same time as Martyrdom of Sts. Placidus and Fkvia (1522-24). Old copy, attributed to Correggio, in Madrid Museum. Engraved by Kosaspina, Hubert, and Ravenet. Meyer, Correggio, 305, 480; Kiinst. Lex., i. ; Lan- don, (Euvres, viii. PI. 14 ; Laudon, Musee, x. PI. 3. By Anton van Dijck, Munich Gallery ; can- vas, H. 6 ft. 1 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. The Virgin, seated at foot of a rock, and St. John kneel- ing by her side, support between them the body of Christ ; behind, one of the holy women wringing her hands ; in foreground, emblems of the crucifixion. Sketch in Mu- nich Gallery. Eastlake, Notes, 70. By Anton van Dyck, Munich Gallery ; wood, H. 3 ft. 5 in. x 4 ft. 7 in. The body of Christ extended on drapery on the ground, the upper part resting on the knees of the Virgin, behind whom is the cross ; at left, three angels ; above, in clouds at right, three j cherubim. Sketch also iu Munich Gallery. Same composition (1 ft. x 1 ft. G in), Louvre. Engraved by Vosternian ; Viennot ; J. Smith; Normaud ; Schiavonetti ; Chr. de Mi'-chcl. Smith, iii. 1G ; Gal. de Diisseldorf, PI. 70 : Guiffrey, 249 ; Filhol, xi. PI. 50 ; Klas. der Malcrei, PI. 15 ; Eastlake, Notes, 71 ; Lan- don, Musee, v. PI. 3. By QUID ten Massy*, Antwerp Museum ; wood, triptych, centre panel, H. 8 ft. (! in. x G ft. 9 in. ; wings, H. 8 ft. G in. x 3 ft. 10 , iu. Centre : The body of Christ mourned Pieli, Correggio, Parma Gallery. over by his friends and the holy women ; the Virgin, overcome with grief, is support- ed by John ; Joseph of Arimathea and Nico- olemus sustain the head and the upper part of the body, whilst the holy women anoint the wounds of the Saviour. Eight wing, face : the head of John Baptist is placed on the table of Herod, while musicians play on an elevated platform ; do., reverse, St. John Baptist. Left wing, face : John Evangelist in the caldron of boiling oil, under which executioners stir up the fire ; do., reverse, St. John Evangelist. Ordered in 1508 by the carpenters' guild of Antwerp for their altar in Notre Dame, where it remained until 1580, when it was removed to the 441