Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/508

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POHLE . Mill-Pond ; Park ; Beech- Wood ; Landscape with Wedding Procession ; do. with Castle ; Mill on Lugano Lake ; Meersburg on Lake Constance ; Westphaliau Landscape (Jubilee Exhibition, Berlin, 1886). Miiller, 421. POHLE, (FRIEDRICH) LEON, born in Leipsic, Dec. 1, 1841. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Dres- den and A 11 1 w e r p Academies, and of Weimar Art-School ; travelled in Germany, Belgium, and France. Since 1877 professor at Dresden Academy. Works : Margaret be- fore the Jewellery Box ; Elegy ; Portrait of Poet Julius Grosse ; do. of Ludwig Richter (187!)), Leipsic Museum, and (1880), Na- tional Gallery, Berlin ; do. of Geographer Pesohel, and of Ercole Torueamenti, Dres- den Gallery ; do. of Baron von Nostitz-Wall- witz (1883) ; Prince George of Saxony's Children (1884) ; Thuringian Woman (Ju- bilee Exhibition, Berlin, 1886). Jordan (1885), ii. 109 ; Miiller, 421 ; nik, xviii. G28 ; xix. G81. POIDEVIN. See L<- Poittcvin. POIXTELIN, AUGUSTE EMMANUEL, born at Arbois (Jura) in 1839. Landscape painter, pupil of Maire ; was a schoolmaster until 18(5f>, when he took up painting. Med- als : 3d class, 1878 ; 2d class, 1881. Works : Wells of Moustier (1874) ; Plateau of the Jura in Autumn (187(5) ; Valley in the Jura (1877); Meadow in Cote d'Or (1878); Grove in the Morning, Willow in the Evening (1879) ; September Evening (1880) ; Slopes of Jura (1881); Arbour, Rocky Hills (1882); Fallow Land in the Jura, End of the Woods (1883); Rocky Path, Evening in the Woods (1884); Forest Border, Height on the Coast (1885); Meadow in Jura Mountains, Group of Trees at Dawn (1886). POLE, CARDINAL, portrait, Sebastian del I'iombo, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; can- vas, H. 3 ft. 7 in. x 3 ft. Sitting, with left hand on the arm of his chair ; dressed in a red toque and cap and white stole. Painted under Paul III. (1535-49) ; a magnificent canvass, long assigned to Raphael ; formerly in the galleries of the Chevalier de Clerville and of the Comte d'Armagnac. Engraved by Nicolas de Larmessin, and by Sanders. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 356 ; Descr. de 1'Er- mitage, i. 24. POLEMON, painter, of Alexandria, men- tioned by Pliny (xxxv. 40 [146]), as not without reputation. Brunu, ii. 288. POLIDORO DA CARAVAGGIO. See Caravaggio. POLLICE VERSO. See Gladiators. POLLACK, LEOPOLD, born at Lode- uitz, Bohemia, Nov. 8, 1806, died in Rome, Oct. 16, 1880. Genre painter, pupil of Prague (under Bergler) and Vienna Acad- emies, went in 1831 to Rome and painted Italian life under the influence and in the manner of Riedel ; visited Vienna in 1846 and became naturalized in Rome in 1853. Works : Shepherd Boy ; Death of Moses ; Boaz and Ruth ; The Harem ; Shepherdess with Lamb ; Zuleika (after Byron), Villa Rosenstein, Stuttgart ; Cupid riding on a Turtle ; Italian Shepherds (1835), Female Pilgrim (1836), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Cu- rious Girls (1838); Rebekah (1844); Head of a Bard (1850) ; Portrait of the Painter Au- gust Riedel (1851), New Pinakothek, Mu- nich ; Shepherd Boy in Roman Campagna, Harrach Gallery, Vienna ; Nymphs Caress- ing (1858); Esmeralda (1865); Malicious Al- bauese Women (1868) ; Melusina ; Chiara and her Sister ; Diana ; Carnival in Rome ; Preciosa ; Disturbed Sleep. D. Kunstbl. (1850), 28, 367 ; Nagler, Mon., i. 357 ; Wui-zbach, xxiii. 75. POLLAJUOLO, ANTONIO and PIE- TRO, Antonio born in Florence in 1433, died there in 1498 ; Pietro born there in 1443, died there in or before 1496. Flor- entine school ; sons of Jacopo d'Antonio, a goldsmith. Antonio, whose portrait is given, closed his apprenticeship with his father in 1459, opened a workshop in Florence, and