Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/511

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1'OOLE Michelangelo's designs, he never approached Sebastian as a colourist. His portraits are superior to his compositions. Among his works are : Holy Family, Madrid Museum do., Old Piuakothek, Munich ; Visitation, SS. Annunziata, Florence ; Madonna and Saints, Visitation, Louvre ; Portrait of An- drea del Sarto, Berlin Museum ; Supper at Emmaus, Florence Academy ; Joseph pre- senting his Father to Pharaoh, Joseph ac- cused by Potiphar, Venus kissed by Love, Birth of St. John Baptist, and portraits, Uf- fizi, Florence ; Portrait of a Boy, National Gallery, London ; others in the Louvre, Cas- sel and Oldenburg Galleries, Vienna Muse- um (3), Palazzo Pitti, Florence. Ch. Blanc, Ecole florentiue ; Vasari, ed. Le Mou., xi. 29 ; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Mai., ii. 200. POOLE, PAUL FALCONER, born at Bristol iu 1810, died in London, Sept. 22, 1879. History and genre painter ; ex- hibited first picture, The Well a Scene in Naples, at Royal Academy in 1830 ; elected an A.E.A. in 1846 and K.A. in 1861. Works : Her- man and Dorothea at the Fountain (1840) ; Solomon Eagle preaching during the Plague in London (1843) ; Beleaguered Moors (1844); Arietta of Falaise (1848); The Tempest (1849) ; Goths iu Italy (1851) ; Seventh Day of the Decameron (1855) ; Es- cape of Glaucus and lone (1860) ; Lighting the Beacon on the Appearance of the Span- ish Armada (1864); Vision of Ezekiel (1875), National Gallery. Cat. Nat, Gal.; Am. Art Rev. (1879), 91 ; Art Journal (1859), 41 ; Sandby, ii. 311. POOEE, HENEY E., born in Newark, N. J., in 1858. Landscape painter, pupil of the National Academy (1876), of the Penn- sylvania Academy, of Peter Moran (1877), and of Luminais in Paris (1883). Studio in Philadelphia. Works : Burro Train leav- ing the Pueblo of Taos (1882) ; March Hill- side, Baying Hounds (1884), T. B. Clarke, j New York ; Ulysses feigning Madness (1884); After a Shower Pinciau Hill, Rome (1886). POOETEE, WILLEM DE, born at Haar- lem, nourished there in 1635-43, died after j 1645. Dutch school ; history and still-life painter, pupil of Rembrandt, probably at Leyden in 1627-30. His colouring is pow- erful and the execution careful ; painted also interiors. Works : Solomon offering to the Strange Gods, Amsterdam Museum ; do. (1643), Moltke Collection, Copenhagen ; Taking of Samson, Berlin Museum ; Ahasu- erus and Esther (1645), Woman taken in Adultery, Simon with Infant Christ in the Temple, Dresden Gallery ; liaising of Laza- rus, Old Pinakothek, Munich; The Offer-

ing, Queen of Sheba before Solomon (?),

Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Mercury and Proserpine, Allegory of Peace (1643), Copenhagen Gallery ; Interior, Aremberg Gallery, Brussels ; Skull, Crown, Sceptre, J and Arms, Brunswick Gallery ; Companion- piece (1630 or S* (T> *. 1636), Eotterdam (r CS>J OOV'Z*" Museum ; Allegorical Figure of Emperor Matthias, Worlitz Gallery. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 378 ; Eiegel, Beitriige, ii. 436 ; Vosmaer, Rembrandt, 63. POPELIN-DUCAEEE, CLAUDIUS MAECEL, born in Paris ; contemporary. History painter, pupil of Ary Scheffer and of Picot. Medal, 1865 ; L. of Honour, 1869. Works : Daute reading his Poem to Giotto (1852); St. Jerome (1853); Eobert Estienne, famous printer of 16th Century, surrounded by Savants aiding him (1857); Calvin preach- ing before Duchess of Ferrara, Guillaume Budt'e, founder of College de France, study- ing Greek (1859) ; Dante re-entering Flor- ence after Battle of Campaldiuo (1861) ; Julius Caesar (1864) ; Eenaissance of Liter- ! ature (1865); Truth, Dante Alighieri, France (1867). Bellier, ii. 298. PORCELLIS (Parcelles, Percellis), JAN, born in Ghent about 1597 (?), died prob- ably at Soeterwoude, near Leyden, before 45!)