Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/517

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POULTERER'S SHOP Portrait of Young Woman and Child, J. J. Merlo, Cologne ; Hagar, Visit of Alexander to Diogenes, Male and Female Portrait, Museum, ib. Meiio, 329. POULTERER'S SHOP, Gerard Don, Na- tional Gallery, London ; wood, H. 1 ft. 11 in. x 1 ft. 6 in. ; signed. Through the arched window of the shop a young woman, holding a tin pail containing a skinned rab- bit, is cheapening a hare with the shopwom- an ; two other figures in background. On the window-sill are dead fowla ; above, left, hangs a bird-cage ; outside, a cock iu a bas- ket, feeding. The lower front of the shop is elaborately decorated with a bas-relief. POURBUS, FRANS, the elder, born in Bruges in 1545, died in Antwerp, Sept. 19, 1581. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter, son and pupil of Peeter, the youiig- er ; studied afterwards under Frans Floris ; master of the guilds in Antwerp and Bruges in 1569. Works: Triptych with Christ in the Temple (1571), Ghent Cathedral ; Christ on the Cross, Prophet Isaiah predicting to Hezekiah his Recovery, Triptych with Last Supper, Ghent Museum ; Judgment of Sol- omon, Tournai Cathedral ; Sermon of St. Aloysius, Antwerp Academy ; Male Portrait (1575), Female do., Amsterdam Museum ; St. Matthew inspired by Angel (1573), Male Portrait (1573), Brussels Museum ; do. (1575), Brunswick Gallery ; General in Ar- mour, Augsburg Gallery ; Male and Female (2) Portrait, Berlin Museum ; Female Por- trait, Dresden Museum ; Andromeda (?), Gotha Museum ; Portrait of Ferdinand II., Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Angels gathering in Chalices the Blood of the Crucified, Schleiss- heim Gallery ; Knight of Calatrava, Six other portraits (one dated 1568), Muse- um, Vienna ; do. (3), Liechtenstein G a 1 - lery, ib. ; do. (2), Her- mitage, St. Peters- burg. Ch. Blanc, cole flamande ; Kramm, v. 1312 ; Messager des sciences hist. (1870), 19 ; Michiels, vi. 272 ; Riegel, Beitrage, i. 25 ; ii. 28 ; Rooses (Reber), 108; Kervyn de Volkaersbekes, Les Pourbus (Ghent, 1870) ; Van den Bran- den, 278. POURBUS, FRANS, the younger, born in Antwerp in 1570, died in Par- is, buried Feb. 19, 1C22. Flemish school ; history and portrait paint- er, son and pupil of Fraus, the el- der. Free of the CmV^M^-' , ^T^ guild in 1591 ; for some time in Brus- sels, from 1000 court-painter to Vincenzo I. Gonzaga at Mantua, then from 1610 flour- ished at court of Henry IV. of France, and painted various pictures of that monarch and his queen. His portraits and historical pictures are superior to those of his father. Works : Portrait of Henry IV., Nobleman and Lady leaving Chateau, Historical Soci- ety, New York ; Portrait of Marie de Medi- cis, Amsterdam Museum ; Ball at Court of Albrecht and Isabella (with Frans Francken, the younger), Hague Museum ; Portraits of Henri IV., Marie de Medicis, Guillaume du Vair, Last Supper (1G18), Francis of Assisi, Louvre ; Portrait of Marie de Medicis, Two others, Musee Rath, Geneva ; Portrait of Marie de Medicis, and two others, Madrid Museum ; Henri IV. lying in State, Ber- lin Museum ; Portraits (Groups, 3), Her- mitage, St. Petersburg ; Male and Female Portraits in Old Piuakothek, Munich (2, one dated 1616) ; Christiania, Oldenburg, Schleissheim (2) Galleries ; Darmstadt, Nuremberg, Stuttgart (3), Vienna (2), and Weimar Museums ; Liechtenstein, Harrach (1613), and Czernin (2) Galleries, Vienna ; Uffizi, Florence (of himself, 1591, and two others) ; Palazzo Pitti, ib. (4). Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1868), xxv. 277, 438 ; Fetis, Artistes belgea a 1'etranger, i. 258 ; Jal, 991 ; Messager des sciences hist. (1870) ; Michiels, vi. 282 ; 463