Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/521

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PRAIRIE turned to Fez, and to have died there. Works : Virgin and Saints, Madrid Muse- um ; Christ blessing the World, The Virgin in Prayer, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Stirling, i. 263; Ch. Blanc, Ecole espa- gnole ; Madrazo, 518. PEAIEIE DE LACKEN, Rubens, Buck- ingham Palace ; wood, H. 2 ft. 10 in. x -4 ft. 1 in. A hilly landscape, with a pool of water, and figures of peasants and cuttle. One of the master's finest landscapes. Pur- chased for George IV. at Aguard sale, Paris. Engraved by Van Udeu ; J. Neefs. Waa- gen, Treasures, ii. 3 ; Smith, ii. 237. PRATT, MATTHEW, born in Philadel- phia in 1734, died there in 1805. Portrait painter, pupil of West in London in 1764-68. He was for many years a sign painter in Philadelphia before he seriously turned his attention to art. In England he painted the portraits of the Duchess of Manchester, Duke of Portland, and Governor Hamilton ; in America, among others, Lieutenaut-Gov- ernor Cadwallader Golden, for the New York Chamber of Commerce in 1772. PREISLER, DANIEL, born in Prague, March 8, 1G27, died in Nuremberg, June 19, 16G5. German school ; history and portrait painter, settled in Nuremberg in 1654, and became master of the guild there. Works : Death of Abel, Female Portrait, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Sending of the Holy Ghost, Hospital Church, ib. ; Ascension, Schlosskirche, ib. ; Christ and the Children, Vienna Museum ; Male Por- trait (1663), Brunswick Gallery. Huber, ii. 64 ; Rettberg, 193. PRELL, HERMANN, born at Leipsic, April 29, 1854. Genre painter, pupil of Dresden and of Berlin Academies under Grosse and Gussow respectively, studied in Rome in 1880-81, and then was commis- : sioned to decorate the Banquet Hall in the House of Architects at Berlin. Works : The Last Chase (1878) ; Girl's Head (1883). In fresco : Justice and Valour, Incident in Life of Emperor Henry IV. (1883), City Hall, Worms ; Epochs of Architecture (11 pictures, 1882), House of Architects, Ber- lin. Kunst-Chronik, xviii. 28 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xviii. 3G7, 401 ; xx. 149 ; Allgem. K. C., ix. 542. PRELLER, FRIEDRICH (JO- HANN CHRISTIAN ERNST), the elder, born in Eisenach, April 25, 1804, died in Weimar, April 23, 1878. Landscape painter, pupil of Weimar Art-School under Kunschtmey- er, studied in Dres- den in 1820, returned following year to Weimar, where he en- tered into friendly relations with Goethe, and spent the next two summers again in Dresden, studying after Ruysdael and Pot- ter, then in 1823-25 under Van Bree at Antwerp Academy, two years at Milan Academy, and in 1827-31 in Rome, where he attached himself especially to Koch. Re- turning to Weimar, he became professor, court painter, and honorary member of Dresden Academy ; visited Italy again in 1859-G1 and 1875. Works: Six Thurin- gian Landscapes with historical figures, Grand Ducal Palace, Weimar ; Scenes from Oberon (1835-37), Wieland Room, ib.; 7 Scenes from Odyssey (1834-36), Dr. Hartel, Leipsic ; Norwegian Coast (1850), Heroic Landscape (1874), Dresden Gallery ; do., and Styriau Landscape (1853), National Gal- lery, Berlin ; Nausicaa and Ulysses in Isle of the Phseacians (1864), Raczynski Gallery, ib. ; View in Sabiue Mountains with Good Samaritan, Leipsic Museum ; Leucothea ap- pearing to Ulysses, Calypso taking Fare- well of Ulysses, Schack Gallery, Munich ; Bear-Trainer in Street of Antwerp (1824), Three Views in Norway (1840, 1846), Vult- ures in Bavarian Highlands (1856), Cycle of 16 scenes from Odyssey (1863-68, mas- terpiece), Weimar Museum ; Cartoons for do., Leipsic Museum. Allgem. Zeitg. (1878), No. 141 ; Art Journal (1881), 289 ; Cotta's