Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/523

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PliETE Collection, and later in that of the Grade- uigo, Padua. A late work of the master (1490-1500). It is really a Circumcision, probably the picture spoken of by 1'Anonimo as in the Bembo Collection. Vasari, ed. Mil., iii. 419 ; C. & C., N. Italy, i. 380 ; Lermo- lieff, 433 ; 1'Anouimo, 17. Presentation in Temple, Guido Reni, Vienna Museum. By Rembrandt, Hague Museum ; wood, arched, H. 2 ft. 3 in. x 1 ft. G in. ; dated 1631. A lofty temple with several groups of worshippers ; at left, a broad flight of steps, with people ascending and descend- ing ; in foreground, Simeon kneeling, with Jesus in his arms, the Virgin and Joseph kneeling before him, and the High Priest and rabbis standing. Collection of Prince of Orange Nassau in 1770 ; carried to Paris ; returned in 1815. Engraved by J. de Frey ; Devilliers ; Bierweiler (1835). Smith, vii. 26 ; Musee francais ; Filhol, v. PI. 325 ; Vosmaer, 16, 421 ; Mollett, Rembrandt, 21. By Tintoretto, S. M. del Carmine, Venice. A very beautiful picture, reminiscent of the influence both of Schiavoue and of Titian ; one of the few of the early period of Tinto- retto still unharmed. Osier, 23. By Titian, Venice Academy ; canvas, H. 12 ft. 4 in. x 25 ft. G in., but part at top and bottom is new. The Virgin ascending the steps of the temple, the High Priest stand- ing at the top with a priest in a cardinal's robe beside him ; below are Anna, Joachim, and others, looking up. Painted in 1539 for brotherhood of S. M. della Carita. The fin- est and most complete creation of Venetian art since the Peter Martyr and the Madonna di Casa Pesaro (C. & C.). Much injured by cleaning and restorations. Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 449 ; C. & C., Titian, ii. 31 ; llidolfi, Maraviglie, i. 198. By Paolo Vermi-ae ('?), Dresden Gallery; canvas, H. 5 ft, 11 in. x 13 ft, 2 in. Ac- quired in 1747 from Casa Boufadini, Ven- ice. Ascribed to Carletto Caliari by Guari- enti, and to Paolo Farinato by Eumohr. By Paolo 1'eronete, Palazzo Pitti, Flor- ence ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 9 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. The Virgin kneeling, with Jesus in her arms, before the High Priest, who is at- tended by two Levites ; behind the Virgin is Joseph, holding a lighted candle ; at the right a kneeling female figure with a scroll. Engraved by Dala. Gal. du Pal. Pitti, iv. PI. 19. PliETE GENOVESE, IL. See Strozzi, Bernardo. PHETI, MATTIA. See Calabrese, II Cavaliere. PKEVITALI, ANDREA, born at Ber- gamo about 1480 (?), died there (?), Nov. 7, 1528. Venetian school ; at the close of the 15th century he was known in Venice as Andrea Cordeliaghi or Cordelia. After painting there for several years with Gio- vanni Bellini, he settled at Bergamo and assumed (about 1515) the surname of Pre- vitali. He was at best a second-rate painter, who copied from Bellini, Carpaccio, and Cima, and fell into a style akin to that of Catena and Basaiti, with whose works his 471