Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/80

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LEANDKO Robed in white and mitred, seated by a ta- ble, holding a parchment in his hands. Painted in 1C55. Companion to St. Mdoro. LEANDKO AND BONAVENTURA, SS., Murillo, Seville Museum ; canvas, H. G ft. 1) in. x 5 ft. 11 in. St. Bonaventura ou left, leaning against a pedestal, with model of a church in his hands ; St. Leandro on right, with pastoral stall' in left hand, and parch- ment in right ; beside him a boy with a mitre. Painted about 107(5 for church of Capuchin Convent, Seville. Companion to SS. Jn."ta and Ixutina. Curtis, 258. LEBARBIKR, JEAN JACQUES FRAN- COIS, born at Rouen, Nov. 11, 1738, died in Paris, May 7, 1820. French school ; his- tory painter and illustrator ; won first prize of the Rouen Academy in 1750 and 1758 ; vent to Paris, where he studied under Pierre, and after a journey to Rome was received into the Academy in 1785. Made illustrations for works of Ovid, Racine, Rousseau, Delille, and others. Medal, 1st class, 1808 ; Member of the Institute, 1810. Works : Siege of Beauvais (1781), Town- hall, Beauvais ; Crillon receiving Letter of Henry IV. (1781); Henry IV. and Sully (1783) ; Jupiter Asleep on Mount Ida (1785), Courage of Spartan "Women (1787), Lou- vre ; Henri Dubois entering first into the Bastille (1789) ; Lycurgus presenting his Nephew to the Spartans (1791) ; Heroism of young Desilles at Nancy (1795), Town- half, Nancy ; Helen and' Paris (1801) ; Agrippina leaving Camp of Germauicus (1808) ; St. Louis about to depart for the First Crusade receiving the Oriflamme at Saint-Denis (1812), Sacristy of Basilica, St. Denis ; Henry IV. and Marquis de Ver- nueil (1814) ; Medias assassinating Mania, Farewell of Abradatas and Panthea, Pan- thea expiring on the Body of her Husband (1817) ; Callisto surprised by Jupiter, Schwerin Gallery. Bellier, 93G ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole francaise, iii. ; Larousse, x. 285. LEBEL, EDMOND, born at Amiens, in 1834. Landscape painter, pupil of Leon Cogniet. Medal, 2d class, 1872. Works: A Vow at San Germano (1872), Luxem- bourg Museum ; Street at Cassino (1873) ; Butcher of Transtevere Rome (1874), Ponte Rapido at Cassino (1875), Amiens Museum ; Entrance to Abbey of Monte Cassino (1875); Cardinal blessing Family of Pilgrims (1877); Ecco Fiori ! (1878) ; Street at Belmonte (1879). Bellier, i. 939 ; Du Camp, B. Arts, 277. LE BLANT, JULIEN, born in Paris; contemporary. History painter, pupil of E. Girard ; of increasing merit and popu- larity. Medals : 3d class, 1878 ; 2d class, 1880. W T orks : Assassination of Lepelletier Saint Fargeau (1874) ; Playing the Game of Tonneau (,1877) ; Death of General d'Elbee (1878) ; Henry de la Rochejacquelin (1879); Skirmish of Fougcres in 1793 (1880) ; Cou- riers of the Blues (1882) ; Execution of Gen- eral Charette (1883) ; Diner de 1'Equipage (1884). LE BOURGET. See Rourr/ct. LE BRUN, CHARLES, born in Paris, Feb. 24, 1019, died there, Feb. 12, 1690. French school ; his- tory and portrait painter, son of a sculptor ; pupil of Perrier, Vouet, and Poussin. Protected by the Chancellor Seguier. At the age of fifteen he attracted attention by several pictures painted for Cardinal Richelieu, and in 1642 was taken to Rome by Nicholas Poussin, with whom he lived six years, and from whom he received invaluable advice. Re- called to Paris in 1648, he was received into the Academy, protected by Fouquet, pre- sented to Louis XIV. by Cardinal Mazarin, and made court-painter. In 1GG2 the king